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How to make Tomato Slices with Mozzarella Cheese? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk appetizer, tomato, appetizer, mozzarella cheese, salad, fresh basil, Salads - Appetizers

Tomato Slices with Mozzarella Cheese

Release Date: 02-06-2008
4 5 5 1

As I said, I'm obsessed with light meals and even snacks these days. Let me explain for those who are wondering about the big lettuce-like thing in the middle of the salad: ENDIVYEN (Cichorium endivia crispa) So the flavor of Endiv is quite different, it has a spicy but mild flavor like lettuce or basil. It is mostly used to decorate salads. Let me just say that it needs to be washed very well and carefully. Well, those who say where to find this weed can obtain it from many big markets. This salad is among my favourites, light and delicious, and diet-friendly.

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Ingredients for Mozzarella Cheese Tomato Slices Recipe

mozzarella cheese
1-2 large tomatoes
fresh basil
olive oil


Mozzarella cheese is unpacked, washed and sliced. Tomatoes are peeled and sliced ​​lengthwise.
Arrange 1 slice of cheese and 1 slice of tomato on the serving plate and optionally put greens in the middle.
Basil leaves are finely chopped and mixed with olive oil. It is then poured over the salad. And the service is done.

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