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Tomato Cucumber Cucumber

Release Date: 05-12-2007
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No, you can't sit at the table if you don't have cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. It will not give the flavor it creates with cheese even if breakfast is combined. Now let me tell you the way to riveting this flavor very simply.

children's breakfasts

Söğüş means plain chopped ingredients. Of course, I wasn't going to just chop tomatoes and cucumbers on the blog :) I decided to cheer up a little and color it. If you put bread under the cold cuts and some fresh cheese on the bread, you will not be able to get enough of your breakfast.

This is how it is in its simplest form :) You can chop tomatoes for breakfast like this.



Ingredients for Tomato Cucumber Cold Cuts Recipe

(for 4 people)

  • 7-8 cherry tomatoes
  • 2-3 Cengelköy cucumbers
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice


  • Wash and slice the tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Flavor the tomato and cucumber by mixing lemon juice, olive oil and some salt.
  • You can enjoy it by spreading cheese on the bread or by putting it on a plate and adding bread to the butter with cheese.

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"Tomato Cucumber CucumberOne comment on

  • On December 05, 2007 at 09:10

    that's it :) i look forward to sunday mornings, take a look at these, come sunday….


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"Tomato Cucumber CucumberOne comment on

  • On December 05, 2007 at 09:10

    that's it :) i look forward to sunday mornings, take a look at these, come sunday….


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