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How to make Mihlama (Kuymak)? There are also 2 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 minutes, çecil cheese, breakfast recipes, black sea dishes, tips for making kuymak, the difference between mihlama and kuymak, the tricks of making mihlama, mihlama corn flour, muhlama, For Breakfast

Mihlama (Kuymak)

Release Date: 04-02-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

What I've been wanting to share for a while when I have a late breakfast this weekend set-up I had the opportunity to cook the recipe again.

In my opinion, if there is a setting on the table and you are not too crowded, it is useful to keep the rest of the breakfast small because it makes you feel full. When you said the moon wouldn't get cold, you saw that half of the bread and setting is already finished :)

According to what I read on the internet Kumak ve nailing there was not much difference between them. While corn flour was used more in kuy, cheese was more important in mihlama. Since all of them are important to me, then I can say both sewing and nailing :)

15 min

We use corn flour when setting, but especially fixation as we say. I especially use finely ground cornmeal, as I don't like it to be so crunchy, but you can also use home-made cornmeal.

Our other important ingredient is çecil cheese, because it is separated from the wire. string cheese Since this cheese, also known as cheese, is salty, taste it before you take it off the stove and add salt as you wish.

Tips for setting up there is. The most important thing is to use quality and delicious ingredients. When the butter melts and starts bubbling, corn flour should be added. You can set it with water, milk or a mixture of water and milk, but since I don't like milk and milk, I only use water to taste it.

If you like oily, you can increase the amount of butter and cook it until it stays in oil after heating it well.


Ingredients for Mihlama (Kuymak) Recipe

  • 3 spoonful butter
  • 4 tablespoons of cornmeal (fine mihlama)
  • 2,5 water glass of water
  • 150 gr string cheese (çecil cheese)
  • salt


  1. Take the butter in the pan and heat it.
  2. Add the cornmeal and fry until it turns slightly brown in color.
  3. Carefully add water and cook, stirring, until it boils and turns into a dough.
  4. Continue cooking, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Add the string cheese and continue to cook until the cheese melts and the lamb shimmers.
  6. When the oil starts to come out a little, remove from the stove and serve hot.

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"Mihlama (Kuymak)2 comments for ”

  • On February 06, 2018 at 21:16

    Kuymak is made with cream, the taste is different, they are not the same dish.

  • On November 05, 2017 at 01:55 PM

    Mihlama and kuymak are separate dishes.


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"Mihlama (Kuymak)2 comments for ”

  • On February 06, 2018 at 21:16

    Kuymak is made with cream, the taste is different, they are not the same dish.

  • On November 05, 2017 at 01:55 PM

    Mihlama and kuymak are separate dishes.


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