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The love of Almond and Apricot ❤️ How to make Almond Apricot Jam? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 60 min, apricot jam with almonds, apricot jam kitchen secrets, how to make apricot jam, jam making tricks, Jams-Pickles

The love of Almond and Apricot ❤️ Almond Apricot Jam

Release Date: 11-07-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

As we approached the end of our holiday, we decided to boil apricot jam with the apricots we stumbled upon in Akyaka Bazaar. I definitely use 1 kilo to 1 kilo for measurement. This time, I wanted to show the cup size for those who do not have a scale. Measure the apricots you picked out with a bowl, then measure the sugar with the same bowl.

60 min

For those who are going to try it for the first time and are not sure about its consistency, the most practical method is to take some in a porcelain bowl and see its consistency before taking it on the stove.

Watch the Video:

Tips for making jam I have a separate blog post for this link. Cherry Jam recipe Click here if you are looking :)

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The love of Almond and Apricot ❤️ Ingredients for Almond Apricot Jam Recipe

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1 kilo of apricots
  • 1 kilo of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • juice of half a lemon


1. Soak raw almonds in boiling water for 1 hour. Remove the softened shells.
2. Wash the apricots well and put them in a strainer to drain.
3. Cut the drained apricots in half with the help of a knife, remove the seeds, and fill a large saucepan with 1 layer of apricot, 1 layer of granulated sugar until all the ingredients are used up.
4. Leave it for at least 5-6 hours, if possible 1 night. Take the apricots that release their juices to the stove and let them cook on low heat.
5. When it boils, add the butter and mix.
6. After adding the almonds, you boiled it for about 40 – 45 minutes, when your jam starts to thicken, squeeze half a lemon into it and boil it for 5 more minutes.
7. Divide the warmed jam into jars and store in a cool place.

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