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Custard Custard

Release Date: 12-01-2023
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The recipe for that delicious pudding that will teleport you years ago with only 3 ingredients has arrived💕 rice broth, milk and sugar, it's that simple ☺️ Sübye is both in its consistency and
It makes quite a difference in taste. We can store the prepared ink in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, so we can easily prepare desserts any day we want.

30 min

After that, I have in my mind to prepare recipes such as pudding rice pudding and even cut pudding.

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Ingredients for the Custard Recipe

  • 1 finger less than 1 glass of rice broth
  • 1 fingers less granulated sugar than 1 cup
  • 1 liter milk


  1. Milk, granulated sugar and ink
  2. Get it in the pot. Cook on medium or low heat for an average of 20 minutes until the pudding thickens.
  3. Divide into bowls, sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and serve.

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