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Olive Oil Leaf Wrap

Release Date: 22-05-2009
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Ms. Elif shared with us the stages of making the recipe. Stuffed leaves like a rich sour and spicy miss. Health to your hands.

spicy stuffing
Leaf Wrapping

Ingredients for the Olive Oil Leaf Wrap Recipe

Half a kilo of grape leaves
2 cups of rice
2 tablespoon of pepper paste
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 large onion
Half a glass of olive oil
4-5 cloves of garlic
pomegranate syrup/ lemon salt/ lemon
4,5 glasses of water.


Cook the leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes and drain. Throw the chopped onion and garlic into the hot oil and fry them. Add the tomato paste and continue frying. Add the washed and drained rice, salt and sour and cook for 5-6 minutes.

Then wrap the leaves and place them in the pot. Add 4,5 cups of water to the wraps and close a plate in the pan so that the wraps do not move (I have a stuffed stone made of clay. Those who do not have a stone should cover the plate) and cook until they are cooked. Mine was cooked in about 1,5 hours. It changes from leaf to leaf, of course... ENJOY...

Prepared by: Elif Satman

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"Olive Oil Leaf Wrap2 comments for ”

  • On April 04, 2013 at 22:31 PM

    yoooo, have you tried it?! how? white mulberry? or black mulberry? I would like to try. I love trying new things, thank you if you write


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"Olive Oil Leaf Wrap2 comments for ”

  • On April 04, 2013 at 22:31 PM

    yoooo, have you tried it?! how? white mulberry? or black mulberry? I would like to try. I love trying new things, thank you if you write


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