Stuffed meatballs
Making stuffed meatballs has always intimidated me. During my Kivahan internship, it was a great chance for me to learn this business from real masters and to practice a lot.
I have prepared a detailed recipe for those who are intimidated like me…
During the production stages, Kasım Usta was my subject model. :) mother and daughter I learned how to make stuffed meatballs and how to cover meatballs from him.
I think it's time to get a meat grinder for Kitchen Aid. If you have a meat grinder, kneading the coating mortar a little and pulling it out of the machine 2 times gives a perfect consistency.
Good luck to all of you… Love!!!
Ingredients for Kibbeh Recipe
Dough Material:
- Half a kilo of fine-meatball bulgur
- 250 gr. 2 minced meatballs
- Half a glass of semolina
- 1 pieces of eggs
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste
- 1 tablespoon of pepper paste
- Salt
- If there is no meat grinder, water to soak the bulgur
Inner material:
- 500 gr. medium fat ground beef
- 3 spoonful butter
- 2 medium onion
- 1 cup coarsely ground walnuts or pistachios
- Black pepper, salt, paprika
Making the meatball
- Take the butter in a large pot or pan. Fry the finely chopped onions on medium heat until they turn slightly pink. Then add the ground beef and fry it until it releases its water.
- Add walnuts and spices and fry for 2-3 more minutes. Take it from the stove.
- First, roll and squeeze the cooled stuffing in your hand and shape it as in photo 1, cover it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Let the insides solidify until the outer dough is ready.
Making the Outer Dough:
- Add enough boiling water to cover the fine bulgur and wait for it to swell. Add all the remaining ingredients into the swelling bulgur and knead for about 15 minutes (by adding water in between).
- Oil your hands, break off large pieces from the egg from the mortar that has reached the consistency, and roll it in your palm.
- Make a hole in the middle of the dough that you have rolled in your palm, pressing slowly in the middle of the dough and squeezing it from the sides, as in the photo.
- When the hole in the dough is big enough, put the solidified stuffing inside.
- Make all the stuffing by twisting it in your hand and pressing it gently. Squeeze and straighten the end to be closed without damaging the dough (if there is any excess, you can tear it off from the end.)
- Arrange the stuffed meatballs on a wide tray, leaving a gap.
To roast:
- Heat the oil generously in a wide and deep saucepan. Fry the meatballs in hot oil until their crust thickens, and transfer them to a napkin lined plate with the help of a colander.
To cook by boiling:
- To boil, water is boiled in a deep bowl, salt and a little oil are added to the water. The meatballs are cooked in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. The meatballs taken out of the water are placed on serving plates so that they do not touch each other.
hello, I want to send İçliköfte from adana to ğdır. I wonder how can I drive it without spoiling
I eat it in some places, but each time it tastes different. Let me try to make it myself :)
It is a food that I have never tried to make, but that I love so much.
If I can't start doing no and stop myself then it's bad. I have the capacity to eat unlimited meatballs :)
I tried different recipes, the last time I tried this recipe, this was the best.
But every time, there is always a small crack, while it is fried and oil gets into it.
What could I be doing wrong? Can anyone write an idea?
Hi, I've never seen someone who has never made stuffed meatballs before. I made it for the first time with this recipe. It was very good. Thank you very much for the recipe. I wet the bulgur with very little water, as for the bulgur, I will wet it with a little more water next time. It took me half an hour to knead it.
good luck to you, I made them yesterday, I fried them, there are a few left, how do I heat them today?
I have always loved the stuffed meatballs, but I never had the courage to make it. I tried your recipe and it was super. Every time I try a new dish, I refer to your blog. Thank you..
I thank you every time I make this recipe, I really appreciate your hands
Thank you very much. I can't cook much. I feel like I learn more when there are talented ladies like you.
Thank you very much for the information you shared. I applied the same recipe, but I wondered why the meatballs fell apart while frying.
You did it fine.
I followed the recipe exactly, I also chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic for the stuffing, it tasted very good, but while frying, my meatballs cracked and their shape was a little distorted. Any ideas why?
There are wires in the fryers. I put oil in the smallest pot in the house and fry with that wire. There is no dispersion in the deep oil. You need to buy lean ground meat in the outer mortar.
or with a soft drop of sieve while putting them in the oil. you also need to knead a lot so that it doesn't fall apart.. it takes a long time to knead.
I made the inner material, but I can't shape it as in picture 1 :(
you can cool it and shape it more easily, you can squeeze it with your hand
what if i will try it today but i couldn't understand how to close it after putting it inside the dough, if you can help me..
I haven't tried it yet I hope it will be good
I'll try now, let's see how it goes
good luck to your hands. Can I make the meatballs this way and keep them for frying the next day?
Or would it be suitable for frying and reheating for the next day?
I applied half of your recipe, 17 meatballs came out, really, thank you, you saved me from paying big money for stuffed meatballs outside =))
we did it again today, the less water in the material, the better the kneading process and the meatballs can be thinner and more crispy.
Your kibbeh recipe is very close to the original. I say this because I am from Antep. I have a few caveats. Soak the bulgur in cold water. When the semolina is added, it is firm, but the crust of the fries is very hard. Therefore, flour and egg yolk are sufficient. The stuffed meat is sheep mince, and if it is oily, it will be much more delicious. Pistachio is absolutely not included.
:) I ate it at a bazaar a few years ago, it was a very oily and heavy meatball: Ss was the first and last time.. we made it with the recipe published on your site today at the insistence of my aunt.. it was very fun to make, I hope it does not taste like the first meatball I ate..
hi…. I haven't tried it yet, but I like the recipe, but I have 2 questions. I'm waiting for your comments on this subject, if it is boiled or fried. How long can we store the stuffed meatballs we make in the refrigerator before they are cooked? You would appreciate that not all of them are edible ehhh, this is also eaten hot :)
It's perfect, we followed the recipe exactly, it looked the same and tasted good.. thank you..
I have a question. When we squeeze it, it doesn't look like yours. It scatter in the hand. What should we do to make it stand as a whole?
first of all, thank you for giving me confidence. You were afraid before, just like me. I tried your recipe. It was very good. Thank you very much…
Hello. The recipe is explained in detail and clearly, but I will do it for the first time, it said 250 grams of minced meat on top, we will add it to my dough material.. Regards
it's very nice and thanks a lot, thanks a lot, how many times have I tried this, but now it's happened, thanks a lot :D :D hmmm, I'm thinking of getting cut to the food competition with this trend
really thanks a lot
I think it's a very good recipe, I recommend it to everyone, everyone should make this recipe once anyway, then they will not give up and make it every day.
I made it according to the recipe today. But I put it in the refrigerator first, after it solidified, I took it out and rolled it. The inner and outer consistency is complete. I just add slightly different spices. Thanks for posting the recipe. I will. Those who love stuffed meatballs should definitely use this recipe. I used to try to place the inside of it with a spoon, but it never occurred to me. Super.
I will try this recipe today, but I have 2 questions: Is it okay if 1 pearl is not walnut?? Because I don't have a machine to shoot it. And if I didn't read it wrong, this recipe doesn't need flour, right?
I am waiting for your reply as soon as possible
you have the nut fold :=
hello, my first try was great, I made the second one for my guests, they liked it very much. I bought half a kg of bulgur so that I could make it and put it in the freezer yesterday, I went home, I soaked the bulgur, it waited for 1 hour only as it was soaked, my wife kneaded it for 1 hour, but the bulgur couldn't keep up. I noticed when I was buying bulgur for meatballs, it was a little big, but I didn't care about it, My wife said that because the bulgur is large, it didn't work out. I barely made half of it. The other half is waiting in the cupboard. I will try to make it tonight. I will be glad if you answer me. thanks again
If you don't make stuffed meatballs with coarse bulgur, the dough doesn't match.
I tried your recipe on the weekend too, even though I tried it for the first time, it was very good. The recipe holds very well. 1-2 cracked in the meantime, but I guess that's why I couldn't open it well :)) thanks…
I'm here to say thank you for this great recipe. It's my wife's birthday on Friday, and last night, I took the opportunity to make stuffed meatballs and put them in the freezer. It wasn't as thin-walled as yours, but I'm very happy that even making stuffed meatballs is a great success for me. Towards the end, my hand started to get used to it, I'm sure I will do it again. I made 26 meatballs, but the outer material increased. I rolled it into balls and put it in the freezer, it can be used in soup and food anyway. Thank you so much ! Thanks to you, we will eat kibbeh in Indonesia :)
Good luck with your hands :) Best regards…
Thank you. I felt confident about cooking, if I made icli meatballs, don't hold me back :)
yes, they gave a very good recipe.. I will make it according to this recipe.. how nice everything is clear..
it was lumpy inside, so I couldn't shape it and keep it waiting. No matter how hard I try, stuffed meatballs fall apart while frying. I will make it according to your recipe now. I will start shaping soon, I hope I can get the setting right this time. thanks for sharing. good luck
Since there is semolina in the dough, it is less likely to crack. Try it, I think you will like it. As a adanalı, I do not want you to be deprived of this taste.
Thank you for your interest in your stream. This time it didn't crack for the first time. :) again thanks again. happy holidays
hello, first of all, I would like to thank you. I used to wait for the day when I would visit my mother once a year to eat diced meatballs. I made it according to your recipe yesterday. It was great. My only fault was that I missed the salt too much. It was a little salty. I made 2 pieces, but mine were a little small…
very very very very very nice I say try it :D :D:D:D:D:D it was very nice thanks for the recipe :D:D
I have been living in Malatya for 3 years and I was making malatya style boiled stuffed meatballs. I tried your recipe yesterday and it was very good. I have been looking for a recipe for stuffed meatballs that I can make in the form of frying for a long time, and my attempts have failed, unfortunately :( I made your recipe with medium bulgur, there was no bagel bulgur left at home, it was very good. To soak the bulgur, I soaked it with 1+ 1/4 cups of hot water, left it for 30 minutes. While kneading, I added 1/4 of warm water in between. I spent 10 minutes in total. It was very successful. Thank you
My yacht was super according to the recipe, thank you
I thought that stuffed meatballs was a difficult food and I had never tried it until today. Thanks to your recipe, I was very successful in my first try. However, my dough ran out of water a little too much, so I got the consistency with flour and semolina supplement. It is quite easy to shape with oil. And I recommend that you do not keep the meatballs too dry in oil.
Thank you very much, I was very successful in my first try.. many pieces of stuffed meatballs come out from these measurements.thank you
It's been so long, I don't remember.
If you make it from dough the size of an egg, you will get 25 on average.
I tried the recipe, it turned out great. Be sure to try it.
Imm So Beautiful.
It's a very nice recipe, but it's very difficult for me >.< I guess I'm afraid to try it :DD My mom loves it so much I want to surprise her so normally I can't do it well ._.
I will make your stuffed meatballs, how many pieces come out with these measurements, love
I was doing it before, but let's try it, thank you very much, there is no one in our house who likes it but me….
thank you …they look good…
I don't like it boiled (Diyarbakır style). Fried is better for me, but I'm not very good at frying, as a matter of fact, I don't like dealing with frying. What do you think, if we put some olive oil on it and bake it in the oven? Does it cost?
It's a great recipe, I congratulate you, I made it for the first time and everyone was amazed, we couldn't get enough of it, I showed up :)) I kissed everyone, I'm very happy;)
I've tried it before, my wife and sons love it….But I haven't made it for a long time, your recipe looks so good I'll try it right away!
looks super
I would never have guessed that the recipe would be so accurate on the first try. Thank God. God bless you for your recipe.
Unfortunately, I can't open it in my hand.
My mother-in-law is a master at this. But Mashallah, you are very good at it because you rolled the mortar very thinly in your hand.
If it is opened too thick, the flavor is as if it is not in place.
Hello there,
I like your recipe. I will try for the first time. I wonder how many meatballs we could have if we made it with these measurements.
thanks in advance.
First of all, your stuffed meatballs look very nice. I like this recipe for someone who has tried stuffed meatballs many times, but my question is, I have a meat grinder, I also have a stuffed meatball apparatus, but if I make stuffed meatballs in the machine, is there still a need to puff the bulgur? will stay between us :)
I tried it, I will prepare it for iftar soon, I'm sure it will be very good because I tried your other recipes before, it's perfect, good luck to you
I'm thinking of making it too, but I'm thinking if I will fail in the meatball part and in the making part in my hand :( have you had a hard time???
Hello. Before I tried the recipe, I had a question: Can this meatball be put in the freezer? If so, at what stage? before or after boiling?
thanks for your answer.
love from france
Kibbeh can be stored in the freezer, after the meatballs are prepared, you can arrange them on a tray and keep them in the freezer.
My wife's favorite dish. I just wanted to know for him. I looked at the pictures and this seems like the best recipe. and I tried. really super. Even though it was my first time doing it. The next ones did too. I didn't think it would be this easy. I always thought it would fall apart. I usually use water etc. in the first recipes I make with bulgur. it doesn't hold. it was very nice. i recommend it to everyone. good luck with your work. God bless you. thank you .
I knew stuffed meatballs, but I didn't dare to try, you explained this recipe so well that I made it right away, everyone loved it, thank you very much love :)
It was great. I tried to comment on Facebook, it didn't work. I saw the picture in the morning and believe me, I was officially bored, I ordered it before I could even resist it :) It looks very nice, I will try it as soon as possible, I will be successful. Thanks to you, I offer different tastes to each of my guests and advertise them :) Our kitchen secrets ;)))
Bon appetit, Ms. Ferdag :) Thank you very much, much love :)
Stuffed meatballs are great, congratulations, good luck
first of all, thank you very much(: I made it for the first time 1 week ago and it was great(: but I didn't put ground beef in the outer material, it was great that way...
Thank you very much Ayşe :) While I was writing the recipe, I thought for a long time about how to explain the easiest and most practical way, which means that it was also worth the effort I put into it. love..
Even difficult dishes look easy with your explanation, thank you for the good recipes,