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Strawberry Custard

Release Date: 29-04-2020
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

45 minutes before iftar, I thought I'd make a quick dessert. When I said that the strawberries in the cupboard were over, I thought of pudding, which is the easiest milky dessert in the world. I saw that there is also rice flour. I immediately got to work.

20 DK

The only preliminary preparation you have to do is to run the strawberries through the blender. The rest is whisk, mix, cook :) The best part is that the process is finished in maximum 15 minutes. So there is time to both take pictures and rest in the fridge for 25 minutes :) strawberry pudding, cocoa pudding ve date pudding It is one of my most practical recipes that I recommend you to try especially during Ramadan.

I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 


Ingredients for Strawberry Custard Recipe

  • 1 cup of rice flour
  • 1 cups granulated sugar
  • 4 water glass milk
  • 1 cup strawberry puree
  • 1 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 packet of vanillin with sugar


  1. Put the rice flour and granulated sugar in a saucepan.
  2. Whisk it by adding a glass of milk to prevent lumps.
  3. Put the saucepan on the stove, add the strawberry puree and the remaining milk and cook on medium heat until it thickens.
  4. Close the bottom of the pudding that thickens, add the butter and vanilla.
  5. Divide into bowls or cups as desired. Serve garnished.

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