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How to make Spinach Borani? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk borani, how to make borani, borani recipe, borani recipes, meat borani, spinach borani, spinach root, Meat Recipe Videos

Spinach Borani

Release Date: 28-03-2016
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Hello Dear Friends,

While we were waiting for the spring, the icy Istanbul weather, which suddenly put us in the wrong corner, again upset all our balances. Fortunately, we have some delicious recipes to warm us up in this icy weather. I can't bear to throw away spinach roots. While the leaves are melting in the food, the roots look much more elegant. I shared with you before spinach root with olive oil I think you remember the recipe.


Here is a recipe where you can use both leaves and roots. Spinach Borani. When you think of spinach borani, you may first think of yogurt with garlic mixed with sautéed or lightly boiled spinach. Yes, it is also a kind of borani. Borani is made in different ways in every region of our country. Generally, in the east, borani is cooked with meat like many other dishes.

There are also those who add bulgur other than chickpeas. If you want, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of bulgur into it. If you want, you can add a different flavor to your food by adding 1-2 cloves of garlic along with the spinach roots.


Note: You can add some vinegar to the water you will keep in it so that the spinach roots can remove the sand better.

Ingredients for Spinach Borani Recipe

  • 300 g of cubed meat
  • With 500 g spinach roots
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 cup boiled chickpeas
  • 2-2,5 cups of hot water
  • 1 spoonful butter
  • salt
  • black pepper

For dressing:

  • 1 glasses of yoghurt
  • 1 egg yolk


  1. Take the chicken head meat into the pot. Add salt and pepper to it and mix it in a pan without oil. Cover the pot and cook until the broth is released.
  2. Add the butter to the meat that absorbs the water. Add the finely chopped onion and fry it until the onion becomes transparent. Add the pre-boiled chickpeas to the onions and mix.
  3. Add a little more than 2 glasses of water to the pot and cook on low heat with the lid closed until the meat is tender.
  4. Whisk the yogurt and egg for its dressing, add the water of the food little by little to the seasoning and let it cool.
  5. Add the seasoning that you opened with hot water to the pot.
  6. Add the spinach you have washed and sorted thoroughly to the pot. Cook until the roots soften, add salt 1-2 minutes before removing from the stove and serve hot.

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"Spinach BoraniOne comment on

  • March 29, 2016 at 13:46

    One of my favorite dishes of the region.
    Health to your hands. :)


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"Spinach BoraniOne comment on

  • March 29, 2016 at 13:46

    One of my favorite dishes of the region.
    Health to your hands. :)


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