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Sour Bulgur Meatballs

Release Date: 18-09-2023
4 5 5 1

Today, I have prepared Sour Bulgur Meatballs, a local flavor that will delight your palate. This delicious recipe is a perfect option for anyone looking for a meal that is both healthy and flavorful.

bulgur patties

I used @filizmakarna's Mardin Bulgur for Meatballs in my recipe, it gave a great result with the meatballs that did not fall apart as usual.

Filiz Pasta collaboration

Ingredients for Sour Bulgur Meatballs Recipe

For the meatball dough:

  • 1 glass of Meatball Filiz Mardin Bulgur
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 tea spoon black pepper
  • Half a glass of flour
  • Salt
  • 2 liters of boiling water for boiling

For the sauce:

  • 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 large clove of finely chopped garlic
  • 2 tablespoon tomato & pepper paste
  • half a cup of water
  • 2 tablespoon pomegranate juice
  • Quarter bunch of parsley
  • Quarter bunch of spring onions


  1. Place Filiz Köftelik Mardin Bulgur in a deep bowl. Pour 1 glass of hot water over it and mix. Let the bulgur rest for about 10 minutes until it swells. Add the egg, flour and spices and start kneading.
  2. Knead the meatballs well until they reach a paste consistency.
  3. Tear off pieces from the thickened meatball dough, wet your hands and form small balls.
  4. Add salt to the boiling water and carefully drop the meatballs into the water.
  5. While the meatballs are boiling, heat the olive oil for the sauce. Add tomato paste, garlic and salt and fry, add water and pomegranate syrup and mix.
  6. Add the meatballs to the thickened sauce and cook for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Serve mixed with parsley and spring onions.

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