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Added Bread

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Portion: Max - 10 People
Preparation: 30 min
Cooking: 30 min
1 5 5 1

All summer long Sheikh Muallaabout To Kaytaz, at home Surk from the construction Surk salad We have prepared many delicious recipes until now. The last recipe of this series is bread with “katıklı” (cottage cheese) also known as “cottage cheese”. The best part is that it does not lose any of its flavor when you cook it and freeze it and then thaw it.

hatay kitchen


Ingredients for Additive Bread Recipe

  • Half a pack of fresh yeast
  • 4-4,5 cups flour
  • 2 water glass of water
  • 1 sweet spice salt
  • 1 cup olive oil to roll out the dough and use in the tray

For the curd mixture:

  • 2 pieces of surplus
  • 1 heaping tablespoon tomato & pepper mixed paste
  • 1 heaping tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 heaping tablespoon black cumin
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon of zaatar
  • 1 tea glass of olive oil


  1. Dissolve fresh yeast in 1 glass of warm water. Start kneading by taking yeast water, water, 2 glasses of flour and salt. Add the remaining flour little by little.
  2. Knead a dough that does not stick to your hands or bowl and let it rest.
  3. While the dough is fermenting, put the dough in a bowl, add the chopped onion, tomato paste and spices and knead. Finally, add the oil and spread it out and set aside.
  4. 4. Take tangerine-sized pieces from the dough and roll them in your hands, then place them on a baking tray with some space between them.
  5. 6. Share the mixture you prepared with a spoon and spread it by pressing it with your hands.
  6. 7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

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