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Unleavened Soft Pastry with Dill

Release Date: 09-11-2022
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My followers have known for years my love for dill pastry. I try to take the flavor to a higher level with every try. After the last recipe in May, the pastries became both yeast-free and cotton-like with some minor changes 😍 If you start, it's on the table in half an hour, and it keeps its freshness for 2-3 days.

easy dill pastry

I also did an experiment for those who say they should prepare it beforehand and throw it in the closet. I put it in the freezer 3 days later I took it out for Sunday breakfast. When frozen, I sprinkled eggs and black cumin and baked at 170 degrees. Still soft but a little more cracked ☺️

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Ingredients for the Unleavened Squishy Pie with Dill Recipe

  • 1 egg (on top of the yolk into the white)
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1 tea cup oil
  • 1 cup of butter
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 1 sweet spice salt
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped dill
  • 3,5 water glass flour 
  • Smoked cheese or feta cheese


  1. Take the egg white, oil, butter, yogurt and salt into the mixing bowl and mix.
  2. Mix 2 cups flour, baking powder and finely chopped dill again.
  3. Add the remaining flour and knead, cover the dough and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  4. Take a piece of dough the size of a tangerine and roll it in your hand. Press it a little, put the cheese in the middle and close it.
  5. Arrange them 3-4 cm apart on the lightly oiled tray.
  6. Brush egg yolk on top, sprinkle with black cumin. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown (13 – 15 minutes).

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