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How to make Kadayif with Semolina? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Kadayif with semolina, kadaif, kadayif dessert, molasses kadaif, Ramadan dessert, Your Recipes

Kadayif with Semolina

Release Date: 06-05-2009
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Ms. Elif has participated in our campaign with many recipes. The first one is kadayif dessert with semolina, here you go. Good luck to you, Ms. Elif.

semolina kadayif
Kadayif Dessert with Semolina

Ingredients for Semolina Kadayif Recipe

500 g kadayif
1 water glass milk
1 tablespoon of semolina
100gr butter
1 teaspoon molasses grape or mulberry.

Sherbet: 3 glasses of sugar, 2 glasses of water. 1-2 drops of lemon.


Boil the semolina and milk until it boils and solidifies and leave to cool.
Melt the butter. Pour over the kadaif and mix well. Mix molasses and a little bit of fat, margarine or butter and spread it on the tray. Place half of the kadaif under the tray and spread the semolina cream between it with the help of a spoon.

Put the other half of the kadaifi on it and cook it at 175 degrees until it is golden brown. Boil the ingredients of the syrup for 15 minutes and cool. Pour it over the hot kadaif from the oven. Serve when cool… bon appetit.

note: they think cheese is what they eat. They ask where did you get it? I am very surprised too, but no one has realized that it is semolina until now :):):) take it easy….

Prepared by: Elif Satman

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"Kadayif with Semolina3 comments for ”

  • on August 07, 2011 at 23:19

    Hello, Miss Nilay. When I'm going to make this recipe, which tray are these measurements made, square or round? How many people come out of this recipe, I'm waiting for an urgent reply, I'll do it tomorrow

    • on August 08, 2011 at 00:36

      Mrs. Sümeyra hello, this recipe is the recipe of lady Elif. I guess it's for 4 people (as I haven't tried it before) but if you are crowded, I recommend you to try 2 measures.

  • Oct. 06, 2009 at 12:17 PM

    Hello. I also had this recipe. I made it yesterday. It was actually thought to be cheese.


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"Kadayif with Semolina3 comments for ”

  • on August 07, 2011 at 23:19

    Hello, Miss Nilay. When I'm going to make this recipe, which tray are these measurements made, square or round? How many people come out of this recipe, I'm waiting for an urgent reply, I'll do it tomorrow

    • on August 08, 2011 at 00:36

      Mrs. Sümeyra hello, this recipe is the recipe of lady Elif. I guess it's for 4 people (as I haven't tried it before) but if you are crowded, I recommend you to try 2 measures.

  • Oct. 06, 2009 at 12:17 PM

    Hello. I also had this recipe. I made it yesterday. It was actually thought to be cheese.


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