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How to make Sausage Pan? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 minutes, brewer's plate, derby menu, match menu, practice, sausage, tricks of frying sausage, sausage plate, how to make sausage pan, sausage and potatoes, pan, Practical Recipes

Sausage Pan

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 5 oy 4,40/5)
Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 15 min
5 4.4 5 1

Yes, don't forget to say sausage. There is a way to cook this delicious thing, which can be consumed at every meal, especially breakfast.

Whether it's tomato for breakfast, lunch on sandwich bread, or a companion to puree with dinner. It doesn't change anything :) Of course, also into it. pie pastry ve pastry You can create a number 10 brewer's plate by adding

15 min

Ingredients for Sausage Pan Recipe

  • 1 pack of cocktail sausage
  • salt
  • Oil for frying
  • Potato with finger or scallops on the side


  1. Make not very deep cuts on both ends of our sausages to form a cross.
  2. Divide as desired. Take oil in the pan (if possible, use a frying pan), add the sausages to the oil that you have heated well and cook by shaking the pan gently back and forth.
  3. Serve hot with the fried potatoes. Note: There is an important trick to cooking sausage. It is hidden in removing the fat with the help of a colander before the sausages are fully swollen. If you cook it too much, your sausages will be like rubber.


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