Potatoes in Salt
Hello Dear Friends,
This week, I rolled up my sleeves to share one of the delicious recipes that I have been thinking about for a long time but never had the opportunity to share. Like many of us, I love potato recipes. Potatoes in the lead role before hash browns, potato soup even potato toast I also shared many different recipes. In this recipe, it is one of the potato flavors that can be prepared with few ingredients but will give you incredible pleasure.
with you fish in salt recipe I shared it before if you remember. The second recipe we cooked in salt was these delicious potatoes. As a matter of fact, we prepared this recipe for the first time 5 years ago in a cooking school class. It is cooked so well with salt that it tastes like a potato that comes out of the oven or baked on embers.
I can say that it will be a perfect accompaniment to your red meat, chicken or turkey recipes that you will prepare in the upcoming new year.
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Ingredients for Potatoes in Salt Recipe
- 6 medium potatoes
- 400 g salt (for spreading on the tray)
- 2 cup grated cheddar cheese
- 1-2 tablespoons of butter
- salt
- black pepper
- very little nutmeg
- Wash the potatoes and brush until there is no sand left. Dry thoroughly after cleaning.
- Spread salt on a baking sheet or medium sized baking dish.
- Arrange the potatoes 1-2 cm apart on the salt.
- Bake in the oven preheated to 190 degrees for about 45-50 minutes, turning it occasionally. (After 20 minutes, it is enough to turn the top and bottom once)
- Cut the hot potatoes into 2 parts and transfer the insides to the mixing bowl with the help of a spoon without tearing the skin.
- Add the butter and half of the cheddar cheese to the insides you have transferred to the bowl and make a puree. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- Divide the puree you prepared into the potato skins. Divide the reserved cheddar cheese among the potatoes.
- Open the grill of the oven and cook the cheddar cheese until golden brown. Serve hot or warm.