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Iftar and Suhoor Tips for Healthy Fasting

Release Date: 03-07-2015
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The fact that the month of Ramadan coincides with summer increases the period of fasting. What we eat at iftar and sahur is very important in order not to be adversely affected by these long hours and to experience the positive effects of fasting in terms of physical and mental health.


The fact that the month of Ramadan coincides with summer makes fasting people more thirsty. Our need to drink water increases because the body is losing water. It is very important to drink enough water in the time between iftar and sahur. A few glasses of water drunk with thirst in iftar is not enough for our body's water needs all day. We must be careful to drink 2,5-3 liters of water until sahur. Apart from water, mineral water, which is also rich in minerals, can be drunk 1-2 times. Those with high blood pressure should drink mineral water carefully. Salt consumption in iftar and sahur meals is very important in terms of thirst. Especially in sahur, salted products such as olives, sausage, pastrami, etc., pickles and salty dishes should be avoided. It would be better to consume walnuts, almonds, etc. and olive oil instead of olives.

sahur food

Is our metabolism slower than usual?

The days are long in summer. After all day hunger, our blood sugar drops and our metabolism slows down at the time of iftar. The first rule is not to eat fast food. When we eat fast, we eat more than we need, because the stomach is empty and slow, digestion is difficult, stomach and digestive problems increase. We should plan what we eat between iftar and sahur, considering that our metabolism slows down. What does this mean? We shouldn't get the whole day's energy in 2 meals. This is why we gain weight while fasting. Anyway, if we eat too much at iftar because we are hungry all day, the slow metabolism cannot consume the excess energy taken. Our meals should not be more than the amount of meals outside of Ramadan.
Why do we want sweets?

Normally, we try to be moderate in sweet consumption, but we make dessert a tradition after iftar. Even sweet food is one of the most important reasons for the weight we will gain. The blood sugar, which falls with hunger all day, rises for a moment with fast food at iftar and falls again quickly. We want dessert this time. However, spreading the iftar for a while, consuming grain bread instead of pita bread, rice, pasta, and consuming yoghurt for iftar balance blood sugar. Do not consider eating sweets as a part of iftar and prefer fruit. If you prefer gullaç, ice cream, etc. light milk desserts instead of desserts with sherbet, and even if you are satisfied with half a portion, it is wonderful. By not eating sweets with syrup, you will not get more than 800 or even 1000 calories.

Sahur is a must…

It is very important to consume enough and the right food at sahur in order to fast by having a vigorous and productive day. With fasting, which is kept by not getting up for sahur, the duration of hunger prolongs, the decrease in blood sugar becomes more. We can feel the effect of this with fatigue, weakness, headache, blood pressure problem and low blood sugar that last all day. For those who are considering losing weight, the situation becomes more difficult and the tendency to gain weight increases.


water, mineral water

Cereals, cereal products, legumes; oats, bulgur, lentils, kidney beans, quinoa, buckwheat etc. It keeps the fiber full, makes the intestines work, accelerates the metabolism.

Oil; Adequate fat consumption, especially at sahur, prolongs satiety. Olive oil, almonds, walnuts, etc.

Meat group; red meat, white meat, eggs. Protein prevents the destruction of tissues due to hunger, keeps you full, accelerates metabolism.

Milk group; milk, yogurt, cheese; It balances blood sugar, keeps it full, accelerates metabolism.

Fruits; Provides fiber, vitamins, minerals energy

Vegetables; leafy greens, carrots, avocados, etc. provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals.



Salt increases the need for water

High-fat meals are high in calories.

White bread, rice, hot pasta does not keep you full, it makes you hungry quickly.

Sweets with syrup are high in calories and increase the need for water.

Important Reminders While Fasting

* You should definitely get up for sahur.

* Consuming enough protein (cheese, egg, milk, yogurt), whole grains (grain bread, bulgur pilaf, oats) and oil (walnut, almond, olive oil, etc.) in sahur allows you to spend a more comfortable and productive day. Foods that are rich in nutrients and that will not make you heavy in your stomach should be chosen. Salty foods should not be eaten at sahur.
* The first food or drink you will consume in iftar should not be too cold or too hot. It would be correct to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water. We should not drink more than 2 glasses of water in the beginning.
*After a light start, we should take a break for 15 minutes, if we cannot take a break, we should continue to eat slowly.
* we should reduce the consumption of salty foods
* With meals, cereal bread would be a better choice instead of rice and pasta.
* Take care to consume salads and vegetables with meals.
* It is very important to drink enough (2,5-3 liters) water before and after the meal.

Author: Dietitian Beste Alimert

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