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Raw Meatballs with Egg

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 7 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Max - 10 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 60 min
7 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

It has been almost years since I ate raw meatballs with real meat. Between us, maybe I didn't like it because it wasn't done very well or properly (I don't know). But raw egg patties I was really blown away when I tried it. Actually, the recipe was prepared for guests from abroad to taste something local, so I photographed and took notes from the very beginning :)

75 min


It's a bit of a tiring effort, but in the end, a really delicious recipe comes out. Our friend, who kneaded the raw meatballs with egg for us, was from Urfa. well Raw Meatballs with Egg Made in Urfa style. They used to use homemade isot there, and before kneading, they wet the isot and add it. I don't know about other methods, but if you have different recipes and share them with me, I would love to try them :)

When you try my recipe, don't forget to share it with me on Instagram :) I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @ Mutfaksirlari


Ingredients for Egg Meatballs Recipe

  • 1 kilo of bulgur wheat
  • 2 medium onion
  • 3 tablespoon tomato paste (heaping)
  • 1 bunch of spring onions
  • Half a bunch of parsley
  • Salt
  • Juice of 1 lemons
  • 1 cup of isot (can be increased upon request)
  • 6 pieces of eggs
  • half a teaspoon of oil for cooking the eggs
  • ice for kneading
  • Water will be added little by little while kneading (wetting hands)


  1. Put the bulgur in a kneading tray, add finely chopped onion and tomato paste on top.
  2. Add salt and isot and start kneading. Wash the lemon with its rind and divide it into 4 equal parts and place it on the tray.
  3. Add 3-4 pieces of ice to the kneading tray. Wet your hands from time to time, along with lemon peels and ice, and continue kneading until the bulgur thickens.
  4. Add as the ice melts and knead until the bulgur becomes a paste.
  5.  Take the oil in the pan, heat it up, cook the eggs and leave them to cool.
  6. Remove the lemon peels, add the chopped parsley and spring onion and knead.
  7. Add the cooked and cooled egg and knead.
  8. Gather all the raw meatballs, cut them into small pieces and squeeze them or shape them into fist-sized pieces.
  9. Serve with greens and lemon.


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"Raw Meatballs with Egg2 comments for ”

  • on August 30, 2018 at 08:58

    As a Urfa native, I wanted to see if you did it like we did! :)
    The recipe is almost exactly the same. Only after the egg joins us, it is very, very small.
    It is kept slightly larger. My mom says she will definitely show up. We even did it last night. :)
    It is also called egg meatballs in Urfa. Egg meatballs cannot be called logically. Because Çiğköfte is made from raw meat, its direct name. It is perceived as egg and meaty by people from Urfa like me.
    Let me even say that there are alternatives to this meatball. Namely, meatballs with egg, meatballs with walnuts, meatballs with lentils, dried meatballs, and raw meatballs. All of them are prepared from bulgur, basically with the same ingredients and with minor differences in production… Good luck to you. :) Love…

    • Sept. 08, 2018 at 18:45 pm

      Hello Yağmurcum, of course it's different when you're from Urfa :) For us, raw meatballs with eggs sounds normal. I can't wait to try other alternatives. love.


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"Raw Meatballs with Egg2 comments for ”

  • on August 30, 2018 at 08:58

    As a Urfa native, I wanted to see if you did it like we did! :)
    The recipe is almost exactly the same. Only after the egg joins us, it is very, very small.
    It is kept slightly larger. My mom says she will definitely show up. We even did it last night. :)
    It is also called egg meatballs in Urfa. Egg meatballs cannot be called logically. Because Çiğköfte is made from raw meat, its direct name. It is perceived as egg and meaty by people from Urfa like me.
    Let me even say that there are alternatives to this meatball. Namely, meatballs with egg, meatballs with walnuts, meatballs with lentils, dried meatballs, and raw meatballs. All of them are prepared from bulgur, basically with the same ingredients and with minor differences in production… Good luck to you. :) Love…

    • Sept. 08, 2018 at 18:45 pm

      Hello Yağmurcum, of course it's different when you're from Urfa :) For us, raw meatballs with eggs sounds normal. I can't wait to try other alternatives. love.


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