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How to make Pudding Biscuit Cake? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 35 minutes, simple desserts, two-color biscuit cake, easy biscuit cake, practical desserts, biscuit cake with pudding, Pakmaya Iftar Menus 2018

Pudding Biscuit Cake

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 1 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 20 min
1 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

It is one of our most preferred treats with its practicality and wonderful taste. Biscuit cake recipe. How about trying a different version this time? It's even easier than we're used to normally ☺ You can prepare this recipe and store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. It is enough to take it out of the freezer 1 hour before your guests arrive and slice it when it is half thawed. You can serve not only dried fruits but also with ice cream upon request.

35 min

Pakmaya, which we have known for years and whose quality and taste we have always trusted, has shown its expertise in pudding as well, offering a variety of brand new flavors besides the puddings we are used to. From caramel pudding to honey almond, chocolate mint pudding to chocolate orange… Pomegranate, fig, rose, Turkish coffee… Each one is unique and original flavors. Pakmaya Pudding varieties It will add flavor to your iftar tables with its taste and practicality.


Ingredients for Pudding Biscuit Cake Recipe

For Fig Floor:

For the Chocolate Coat:


  1. Crush the cocoa biscuits until they are smooth. Cook the Pakmaya chocolate sauce with 2,5 cups of milk and leave to cool.
  2. Take 1 ladle of the cooled sauce and add it to the biscuits and knead.
  3. Crush the baby biscuits so that they remain smooth. Cook Pakmaya Fig Pudding with 2,5 cups of milk and leave to cool.
  4. Take 1 ladle of the cooled pudding and add it to the biscuits and knead.
  5. Lay a long piece of cling film on the counter and place the chocolate dough on the cling film. Cover the dough with cling film and open it a little.
  6. Place the fig pudding dough on top of the chocolate and roll the two doughs together by covering them with a stretch.
  7. Roll the dough you have opened with the help of a stretch and put it in the freezer.
  8. After freezing for 1-2 hours, slice and serve.

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