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Practical Biscuit Cake with Coffee

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 7 oy 4,43/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 30 min
7 4.43 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

For your New Year's table log cakes, profiteroles or cheesecakes You may be thinking, but you also have simpler and more stylish alternatives :) When you try one of them, come on, it's exactly the recipe I need. Biscuit Cake. We have made biscuit cakes in various molds until today. You can even throw it directly into the freezer with stretch wrap. chocolate salami we even said so :) I think you should definitely try this lighter version.

45 min

Since I wanted it to be very light, I didn't add extra chocolate to it, but if you want, you can add 1 pack of chocolate with butter while the pudding is hot to add a different and more intense flavor.

You can find my homemade coffee pudding recipe here. 

I used 2 packs of plain and 1 pack of double-roasted biscuits inside because I like the taste. If you want, you can also choose cocoa.

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :)

I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 


Ingredients for Practical Coffee Biscuit Cake Recipe

For the above :

  • 1 pack of whipped cream (single bag)
  • 1 glass of cold milk
  • Kakao
  • Blackberry


  1. Cook the pudding and remove from the heat. Add the butter, mix and set aside to cool slightly.
  2. Cover the bottom of your 26-28 cm circle mold with greaseproof paper and aluminum foil.
  3. Spread 1 pudding on the side of the biscuits facing you and start shaping into a circle mold.
  4. Follow this process until the mold is completely filled. Spread remaining pudding on top of biscuits.
  5. Let the cake rest on the counter until room temperature. Then put it in the refrigerator and chill for 1-2 hours.
  6. Before serving, take it out of the mold and coat with whipped cream you whipped with cold milk.
  7. Serve sprinkled with cocoa and garnished with fruit.

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