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How to make Practical Black Mulberry Syrup? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 minutes, black mulberry, black mulberry concentrate, black mulberry extract, black mulberry syrup, black mulberry recipes, Winter Preparations

Practical Black Mulberry Syrup

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 7 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 10 min
7 5 5 1

Hello dear friends,

The black mulberries of our garden have started to mature for 1 week. White mulberries, on the other hand, wink softly and say that they will reach their full consistency in 1 week :) When I have a little mulberry left in my hand (normally, it does not stay, let's say I increased it) I threw some in the freezer and boiled some of it. I'm doing mini-experiments until the ones on the tree mature well :)

15 min

Black mulberry syrup is a future investment :) It should be mixed with soda, maybe ice tea. No, just sweetening the yoghurt. You can put what you have in the freezer directly, or you can store it this way.

I would love to share the recipes you use on my story :) You can send the photos via direct message via Instagram or by tagging me in your story. My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari  Don't forget to follow!


Ingredients for Practical Black Mulberry Syrup Recipe

  • 3 cups of black mulberry
  • 3/4 cups granulated sugar


  1. Water the black mulberries, tear off the stems and put them in the sauce pot.
  2. Add sugar and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Switch to blender and boil for 5 more minutes and remove from heat.
  4. Close it airtight and store in the refrigerator.

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