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Potato Skin Chips

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( 6 oy 4,83/5)
Portion: Max - 2 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: dk
6 4.83 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

From now on, when you use potatoes in your meals, you will think before throwing away their skins :) So much so that you can prepare delicious chips, especially from the skins of fried potatoes.

The process you need to do is actually quite easy, after washing your potatoes well, peel them either with a vegetable peeler or with a knife (this is especially for those who like thick skin). You can start frying after soaking it in water for a while and getting its starch.


In this way, you will both evaluate the shells and obtain crispy chips that do not absorb oil.

You can also surprise your guests with this different snack.

The most important point to remember is to fry in deep and hot oil.

Thanks to my dear friend Chef Devran Karaalp for his contributions.


Ingredients for Potato Skin Chips Recipe

  • 6 potato skins
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • oil for frying


  1. Wash the potatoes by rubbing them under running water with a clean sponge or brush until the sand is completely clean.
  2. Peel the potatoes you have washed with the help of a vegetable peeler or a knife.
  3. Soak the shells in plenty of water for half an hour.
  4. Leave the shells that you have drained and washed once more to drain.
  5. Heat the oil, fry the drained shells in plenty of oil until they are crispy.
  6. Put the fried potatoes in a paper towel lined bowl, add salt and pepper and mix.
  7. Serve hot. 

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