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Purple Cabbage Salad with Orange

Release Date: 30-03-2022
4 5 5 1

As you know, we have a small hobby garden in the site we live in. We got our vegetables from the winter seedlings we planted last fall. Now, with the warming of the weather, we started to prepare our garden for summer by saying hello to spring. First, we removed the plants left over from the winter. Curls, arugula, broccoli that says I'm here too, and cauliflower that we grow one by one from seed.

Most of all, we had black cabbage leaves. While I was brooding over what to do with so many kale leaves, I made kale salad for 2 days in a row.😊 They were pretty cool leaves, but they turned out perfect when rubbed with salt and sugar.

practical salads

The taste of my purple cabbage salad recipe, which is a cutting and chopping lesson, has become legendary. I say it as a lesson because there are simple but very useful chopping techniques, from cutting the tobacco to segmenting the orange 😊 Of course, the leftovers from the oranges turned out to be a perfect sauce without wasting any.

We started hoeing our hobby garden again and aerating the soil. If you are wondering about the summer preparations, the seedlings we will plant and the process, you instagram I invite you to follow my account. Be fertile!

You can prepare this recipe especially with meat and chicken dishes.

Write in the comments how do you like your cabbage? For example, I like all kinds 😄💕


Ingredients for Orange Purple Cabbage Salad Recipe

  • 1 purple cabbage
  • salt and sugar
  • 3 orange
  • 1 tea glass of raisins
  • optional walnut or sunflower kernels

For the sauce:

  • the remainder of 3 oranges
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Mustard (optional)

How to Make Orange Purple Cabbage Salad Recipe?

  1. Chop the purple cabbage with tobacco chop. Rub with salt and sugar. Put the grapes in hot water.
  2. Remove segments from oranges. (Chop finely if desired)
  3. Put the remaining pieces of orange in a blender, adding a little salt, apple cider vinegar, optionally granulated mustard.
  4. Mix the sauce and all the ingredients together and serve.

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