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How to make Plum Cacik? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 minutes, tzatziki with plum tzatziki, tzatziki recipes, plum recipes, refreshing summer appetizers, tzatziki with fresh mint, yogurt recipes, Salads - Appetizers

Plum Cacik

Release Date: 03-07-2020
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Hello Dear Friends,

Icy in this summer heat cacik There are few things as refreshing as it is :) Another recipe frequently used by cacık lovers. dry tzatziki. I adore them all. I even love to add flavor-enhancing little additions to cacık.

fresh broad beans ve tzatziki with purslane Those who follow my blog know my recipes.

10 min

Plum tzatziki definitely takes the taste to the next level :) If it has a slight sourness, plenty of freshness, and a consistency like dry cacık, don't enjoy it :)

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :)

I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 



  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 6 green plums
  • 2 glasses of yoghurt
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt
  • dried mint

For service:

  • 5 green plums
  • 4-5 sprigs of fresh mint
  • Olive oil


  1. Peel and grate the cucumbers and put them in a deep bowl.
  2. Add the crushed garlic and yogurt and mix.
  3. Grate the plums with the fine side of the grater and add.
  4. Add a little dried mint, mix well and transfer to the serving plate.
  5. Serve with a drizzle of fresh mint, plums and a little olive oil.

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