Peach Practical Cups
Today started with yesterday's tiredness. I crossed the street for minor plumbing work for the new house, of course I spent the whole day waiting because the plumbers never showed up at the promised time. When my sister got bored of waiting and wrapped it around the irons of the balcony, we went and bought oil paints and started painting the irons. The hernia of my neck, which made double-dye, says again, "Hey man! You forgot me, look how I remind myself…” He snarled. Anyway, I'm much better now than last night, but things aren't quite over.
We forgot the difficulties of this moving job :( This has been our agenda for 1 week and I'm tired now. Of course, when we move to a new house, we will spend at least 1 more week with tiredness, etc. The least favorite thing for someone like me who does not like changes and even does not like to change the place of furniture in their home Must be moving.
Today, I wanted to do something practical with the ready-made dessert package I received so that we could sweeten our mouths a little. When the last pieces of cake and fruits in the refrigerator were added to it, a delightful dessert emerged.
You can use this method to evaluate your inedible cakes that are starting to go stale.
Ingredients for Peach Cups Recipe
- 1 medium sized peaches
- 2-3 slices of cocoa cake
- 1 pack of vanilla pudding (can be kaskul, chicken breast or cauliflower)
- 3,5 water glass milk
For decoration:
- 1 fresh fig (cut into 4 parts)
- 4 teaspoons peach marmalade
- Cut the peach into two parts without peeling, remove the core and chop into cubes. Finely chop the cakes.
- Prepare your desired milk dessert with 3,5 cups of milk. While the dessert is hot, divide half into cups.
- Separate a small amount from the chopped peaches and cake pieces for decoration and divide into cups. Divide the remaining dessert on the cake and fruits in the same way.
- Finally, garnish with fruit pieces, cake pieces and peach marmalade and serve.
Of course, we have the opportunity to do this with other fruit varieties instead of peaches. Personally, I made this recipe with the ingredients at home and put the fruit in it with strawberries and decorated it with strawberry jam. It turns out very well. You can try it by adding your own ideas or with the materials at home :))
It's a great recipe, but what can I do instead of peach marmalade?