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How to make Cheddar Potato Pastry in the Pan? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 45 min, Alaçatı Herb Festival, Ayvalık Borek, Popular Restaurant, Izmir, Ilıca, Potato Borek, Potato Slice Borek, Pan-Fried Potato Borek, Flavor Stops

Fried Potato Pastry with Cheddar Cheese

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 6 oy 4,83/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 30 min
Cooking: 15 min
6 4.83 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I am writing to you this evening from Alaçatı. I'm here suddenly for business, we watched the Alaçatı Herb Festival closely. Today, we visited Çeşme, Ilı and Ilıca. The reason why this recipe is meeting you today is that a place I went to with the suggestion of one of my followers on social media (I like to discover places by asking local people besides my followers) during my stay in Ilıca last year left a mark both in our minds and on our palate.

45 min

This year, we had the opportunity to chat with Fuat Abi, the 37-year-old manager of Ilıca Gözde Restaurant. I was impressed by his craftsmanship, his respect for his customers and his work. Looking at Ilıca Çeşme and Alaçatı, it is much calmer. As such, they serve real regulars, not just come and go customers. By the way, Brother Fuat is 73 years old and continues to work with his wife and son. So it's a family business. When you enter the door of the place, you feel that 80's atmosphere. It's like he's suddenly teleported to 35 years ago. I think the reason why they have maintained the same level and taste over the years is that they are a very clean family business.


Fuat Abi immediately told us the story of the establishment of the shop. He loves Ilıca, which he came to visit in 1979, so much that the idea of ​​opening a restaurant was born here. He survived even tough times like the 80 Coup here. After that, a 37-year adventure. In the same place, in the same shop, for 37 years, Brother Fuat chooses his own fish from the auction, buys the greens and all the materials from the best quality.

This is actually a fish restaurant, but it has a very famous pastry. I liked it a lot when I first tasted it. When I talked about their potato fritters, they couldn't resist and shared their original recipe with me. You can easily serve this wonderful recipe for 8 people with lots of potatoes and little dough.

Also, be sure to try the grilled octopus.

When you come to Izmir, don't forget to stop by and say hi from me :)

By the way, I am in Izmir for 2 more days. Instagram You can follow the places I've visited from…

Gozde Restaurant
Phone: (+0232) 723 34 14 XNUMX


Ingredients for the Recipe for Potato Pie with Cheese in a Pan

  • 1,5 kilo of potatoes
  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 2 tea spoon black pepper
  • 1 sweet spice salt
  • half a bunch of parsley
  • 300 g fresh cheddar cheese
  • 1 pieces of dough
  • oil for frying


  1. Wash the potatoes and boil them with their skins.
  2. After the boiled potatoes have cooled, peel and grate them.
  3. Add finely chopped parsley, 1 egg, salt, pepper and grated cheddar cheese and knead. Rest in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Lay the dough on the counter, brush half of the egg with the help of a brush. Fold the dough in half (this way it will take the shape of a half moon)
  5. Brush the remaining egg on the folded phyllo. Place the potato dough you prepared in a way that there is a 4 finger wide roll on the wide part of the phyllo.
  6. Wrap the dough and slice it 3 finger widths.
  7. Put 1 inch deep oil in a Teflon pan and heat it. Serve the pastry slices you have prepared by frying them on both sides.


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