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How to Paint Hopes? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Uskudar Business School, From me personally

Painting Hopes

Release Date: 20-04-2011
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Today I disturb you for a good deed. My sister has been teaching handicrafts to mentally handicapped students for 4 years. I visit the school from time to time, take pictures with its students, and admire their work.

During my last visit, we talked about what we can do with the School Principal Cevriye Hanım and the Guidance Teacher Ms. Oya. Open to any kind of support and help.

For now, I can't help but announce the events and participate individually, but I think we can be more useful with your support in the near future. I started working on it.

Uskudar business school

You can support yourself by visiting the painting exhibition titled 'Painting Hopes', which they prepared with the slogan "There are no barriers to sharing life in Istanbul, the City of Dreams", and by sharing this organization.

Istanbul Avni Akyol Fine Arts and Sports High School and Üsküdar Primary School and Business School students prepared together.Painting Hopes' will be opened on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 13:00 at Haydarpaşa Train Station.

This organization, where mentally handicapped students and students with normal development will come together twice a week for 5 months and exhibit their works, is an Inclusive Purpose. Social responsibility project has the feature of being

At the opening of the exhibition, you will see the 'I' of both schools.Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture' project, you will be accompanied by a music concert jointly prepared by the students of both schools.

Opening: Thursday, April 21
Location: Haydarpaşa Train Station
Time: 13: 00

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