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Baked Carrot Fries

Release Date: 28-04-2023
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Baked Carrot Fries

I prepared a very practical recipe with these young purple carrots that I bought from Gökova Market last Saturday. When I spoke to the seller, he said that they cut these carrots in half lengthwise and fry them in oil and eat them with garlic yogurt. So I decided to do it on the airfryer.

15 min

It cooked so quickly that I was surprised ☺️ It tasted like Turkish delight and was well sweetened. You can also make this recipe with regular carrots💕


Ingredients for Baked Carrot Fries Recipe

  • 500 g carrots
  • Olive oil
  • Ground red pepper
  • Turmeric
  • Salt
  • Dry Basil
  • Sesame

For service:

  • Garlic Yogurt


  1. Wash the young carrots thoroughly, scrape them lightly with a knife.
  2. For the sauce in a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, salt and all the spices.
  3. Throw in the carrots and mix well. Bake in the oven or airfryer for 12-15 minutes until tender.
  4. Serve with garlic yogurt.

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