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Baked Sea Bream (Sea Sea Bream)

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 9 oy 4,33/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 40 min
9 4.33 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I'm not at home much at the moment due to my work. It has been like this since we moved… I get tired when I arrive, but instead of saying it from the outside, I prepare something quickly.

When you are in this state, it is one of the practical fish dishes that you can prepare at home without spending much time. Baked Seabream I wanted to share my recipe. before too Sea Bream in the Toaster My recipe was highly appreciated by you.

50 min

if you want in my recipe for sea bass on paper You can cook as well. If you want to sort your fish yourself, we have prepared how to clean fish video You can watch. For those who say what should I prepare with you salad&appetizers my recipes too here :)

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :) I would love to share the recipes you use with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari


Ingredients for the Baked Sea Bream Recipe

  • 2 sea bream (1 per person)
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 pinch of parsley
  • 2 bay leaves (optional)
  • 2 slice of lemon
  • olive oil
  • salt


  1. Clean the sea breams at the fisherman and have a scratch on both sides as in the photo.
  2. Chop the onion in piyaz, chop the parsley. Wash the sea breams.
  3. Lightly salt the sea bass inside and out and place the onion and parsley inside.
  4. Place a lemon slice and a bay leaf if you are going to use it, into the fish.
  5. Place the fish separately on aluminum foil with greaseproof paper and drizzle olive oil on them. (If you don't have paper, you can prepare it by sprinkling greaseproof paper on the aluminum foil).
  6. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
  7. If you want it to look more browned, uncover and cook for another 10 minutes.

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