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How to make Baked Brussels Sprouts – Airfryer Recipes? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 min, airfreyer recipes, brussels sprouts, brussels sprouts recipes, baked brussels sprouts, Salads - Appetizers

Baked Brussels Sprouts – Airfryer Recipes

Release Date: 19-03-2023
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So easy, so delicious! I think the most practical version of Brussels sprouts. I'm sure you'll love it after my recipe with minced meat that tastes like cabbage rolls. If you want, you can easily prepare it in the oven you preheated, or in the airfreyer if you have one. It doesn't take much to cook. Clean cut in half and season enough.

15 min

Pomegranate is great for serving. Alternatively, you can choose tangerine or orange zest.

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Ingredients for Baked Brussels Sprouts – Airfryer Recipes

  • 1 package of brussels sprouts
  • Salt
  • Red pepper
  • olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Strained yoghurt
  • pomegranate seeds


  1. Cut the stems of the cabbages to take the first leaves. Wash in plenty of water.
  2. Divide the middle into two parts and add salt, pepper flakes and olive oil and mix.
  3. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees or in an airfryer for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Mix the garlic and yoghurt by adding a little salt and transfer it to the serving plate. 
  5. Serve the baked brussels sprouts with garlic yogurt and pomegranate seeds.

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