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Herb Cake with Olives

Release Date: 03-01-2008
4 5 5 1

Yes, there is a wonderful recipe from Ms. Sezer for you today. Moreover, she sent the photos she took for us with great difficulty :) Hands down, the beauty of this different cake can be seen in the photos. I want to try it as soon as possible. Waiting for more of your recipes...


From Ms. Sezer:

You have created a very nice site, congratulations.
I kept saying herb cake, how many days… Last night 'Herb Cake with Olives'
A recipe with the phrase for those who are bored with classic cake under the title
I found. I tried it today by making some additions to it.


3 cups of wholemeal flour
3 eggs
2/3 tea glass of olive oil
1 water glass milk
8-10 olives
2/3 cup of white cheese crumbs
1/3 cup of yogurt
1 grated zucchini
1 cup finely chopped parsley
1 bowl of dill
2 chopped spring onions
Red pepper
Black pepper
1 package baking powder

Herb Cake with Olives


Olives are separated from their pits. It is cut into small pieces.
A 28 cm diameter dish mixed with other ingredients and oiled.
It is poured into the tray with the help of a spoon. In the oven at medium heat
Bake for 45 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy your meal!
Olive and cheese gave a pleasant taste to the cake dominated by herbs…

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