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Kitchen Tools: Graters

Release Date: 26-02-2011
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Kitchen utensils were an indispensable subject in the "Kitchen School" section. Today, I took pictures of most of the utensils I use in the kitchen and arranged them. I will share with you the kitchen tools and utensils that I use or have just started to use as much as I can.


Our first object is the grater. So what's the use of this grater?

This kitchen utensil, which has different sized holes, is generally used for grating vegetables, fruits, chocolate and cheese.

Specially produced graters are also available. The graters in this photo are cheese graters. It is used to grate hard and soft cheeses (Parmesan, fresh or aged cheddar cheese). If you have a large grate with holes of different sizes on 4 sides, as in the first photo, you do not need to buy one of them.

This is a photo I took from my Keşli Noodles recipe, to the recipe of the photo. here .

You can find a variety of graters at affordable prices in our store.

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Nilay Overalls

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