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Pasta with Mussels

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 6 oy 3,50/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 20 min
Cooking: 20 min
6 3.5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The last recipe of this week is the pasta version of the mussel, which I love in every way. from the piling, pilaf, stuffed to the pan I am even in love with the one that is cooked on the beach only on a sheet metal. Of course, when I say the pollution of the seas, etc., I can no longer eat mussels in Istanbul. Frankly, I can't trust the mussels that I haven't cooked myself.

When we are in the summer, I cook the mussels ourselves, at least once a week. Pay attention to the following points while cooking your pasta. First of all, boil the pasta halfway as it absorbs the sauce you have prepared and cooks for a while with the sauce. So if the package says 1 minutes, reduce the time to 10-5 minutes.

40 min

Another important point is to set aside from the pasta water. Stir the half-cooked pasta after adding it to the sauce. While the pasta is cooking until it reaches the softness you want, add hot pasta water. Since I like it with a slightly palatable consistency, I add around 1 cup of water and cook it in the sauce until the water is gone.

Before the summer ends, I will share my father's mussel rice recipe with you :) Love...

Ingredients for Pasta with Mussels

  • 40 mussels
  • 5 ancon tomatoes (reduce the number by 1-2 if you are going to use different and larger tomatoes)
  • 2 long green peppers
  • 2 small onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • half a pack of penne pasta
  • parsley
  • salt
  • black pepper


  1. Boil the mussels with their shells until they open.
  2. Remove the shells of the mussels that you have boiled, remove the fringes, if any, and put them in a bowl of water.
  3. Let it rest a little in the water to pour the sand out and leave it to drain after washing it again.
  4. Chop onions, tomatoes, peppers and garlic for edibles.
  5. Start boiling the pasta.
  6. Take the olive oil in a large pan, add the onion on top and sauté for 1-2 minutes over medium heat. Add the pepper and sauté for 1 more minute.
  7. Add the tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes soften.
  8. Drain the half-boiled pasta (make sure to set aside the water).
  9. Add the mussels and garlic to the softened tomatoes. Add salt and pepper and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  10. Add the boiled and drained pasta to the sauce. Add half a glass of pasta water and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  11. Turn off the stove and serve the pasta with some chopped parsley.

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