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Mulberry Jam (White Mulberry)

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 5 oy 4,40/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 30 min
5 4.4 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

We had the opportunity to collect many fruits from the branch when we escaped to the summer house this weekend. garden again gentian It was full :) The mulberries and malt plums were also starting to ripen. This time I decided to make mulberry jam from the ripening mulberries. before too black mulberry jam I have done. It was a recipe that sweet jam and mulberry lovers would love to consume.

40 min

You do not need to add water as the mulberry is already juicy and rested in the pot for 1 night. Since it is very sugary, you should keep the lemon a little too big, otherwise it can be sugared where it stands.

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Shall we boil a jam? What to do #mulberry #white mulberry #mulberry

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Its making is no different from other jams. When you use a one-to-one measure, the result is great. I chose the ripe but lively ones from the mulberries we collected. I added 2-3 spoons of water left by the olduns on top of the mulberries.

Do not leave the jam unattended while it is boiling, always keep an eye on it. When it foams, reduce the bottom well and remove the foams with the help of a colander.

Meanwhile, grape groves began to appear. Forked water My recipe may come in handy in the future.

Tips for making jam Take a look at my short article.

Love :)

Ingredients for Mulberry Jam (White Mulberry) Recipe

  • 1 large bowl of white mulberry
  • 1 large bowl of granulated sugar (with the bowl in which you measured the mulberry)
  • juice of 1 large lemon
  • optional 1-2 cloves of dried cloves


  1. Separate the stems of the mulberries and measure with the bowl.
  2. Pour a layer of granulated sugar on 1 layer of mulberry and put the sugar and mulberry in the pot.
  3. Let it rest in the kitchen for 1 night by closing the lid of the pot.
  4. Take the mulberries, which release their juice in the morning, into the stove, mix them carefully, and cook them on high heat until they get a thick consistency. Take the occasional foam.
  5. Add lemon juice to the thickened mulberries and boil for 1-2 more hours and remove from the stove.
  6. Fill the jam warmed in the pot into the jar.
  7. Serve whenever you want.





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