How to make Practical Torpil Cake from Puff Pastry? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 minutes, torpedo with cream, torpedo from puff pastry, practical torpedo, torpedo mold, how to use torpedo mold, torpedo cake, torpedo cake, Practical Recipes

Practical Torpil Cake from Puff Pastry

Portion: 6-8 Persons Preparation: X Cooking: X
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Hello Dear Friends,

Sometimes you want dessert but you don't know what to prepare. This recipe is a practical flavor that you can easily prepare with 2-3 kinds of ingredients. As a matter of fact, there is nothing you can't do if you have 1 pack of puff pastry at home :)

torpedo cake

torpedo cake It is usually served with custard filling, but if it is not served quickly, it will soften quickly. If you want, you can increase the amount of starch (3 tablespoons instead of 6). custard recipe You can fill the cones with a pudding with a thicker consistency than my recipe. You can also serve with fruit pieces by using plain whipped cream instead of cocoa.


12-12 pieces of 15 pieces of puff pastry torpedo cake it turns out. Of course, this will vary according to the width of the mold you will use. Remember, if you bake the puff pastry in the preheated oven, it will both swell nicely and become crispy.


torpedo cones You can find it in shops that sell cake supplies.


Ingredients for Practical Torpil Cake Recipe from Puff Pastry

  • 12 sheets of puff pastry

For internal mortar:

  • 1 water glass milk
  • 2 pack of cocoa whipped cream
  • 5-6 tablespoons of powdered sugar (optional)

For service:

  • Powdered Peanuts
  • Filet Almond

How to Make Practical Torpil Cake Recipe from Puff Pastry?

  1. Let it rest on the counter for 10 minutes so that the double puff pastries thaw without separating them.
  2. Cut the softened puff pastry into 7-8 pieces in long lengthwise strips.
  3. Lightly oil the torpedo molds and roll them from the pointed end to the middle of the mold. (It finds the middle of the molds in 2-3 pieces.)
  4. Bake the molds you prepared in the oven you have preheated to 200 degrees until the molds are cooked and lightly browned (approximately 15-20 minutes).
  5. When the baked cones come to room temperature, carefully pull the molds out.
  6. Beat the whipped cream with cold milk, adding a little powdered sugar if desired. Fill the cream into the piping bag and squeeze into the cones.
  7. Serve the cones sprinkled with powdered sugar, ground pistachios and almonds.


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