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How to make Pumpkin Dessert in the Microwave? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Pumpkin dessert in 8 minutes, how to make pumpkin dessert, microwave oven recipes, microwave pumpkin dessert, microwave dessert recipe, practical pumpkin dessert, Hotpoint

Pumpkin Dessert in the Microwave

Release Date: 06-04-2015
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The pumpkin stalls in the market have started to fall, and the pumpkin season is coming to an end. When I buy it, I always buy +1 more pack to throw in the freezer. It's actually very easy to use the zucchini that I took out of the freezer as fresh as the first day, but a good microwave is needed for this.

I weigh the amount of frozen zucchini I will use, put them in the microwave oven, select the defrosting program and enter the weight, and my fresh zucchini that I put in the freezer are ready to be cooked. I've been using the Hotpoint HD Line microwave since last year and I even have a great chicken recipe :)

Pumpkin dessert in 8 minutes

I made the easiest pumpkin dessert of my life with the last pumpkin of the season, without waiting for it to be watered, without keeping watch over the pot while it was cooking.


It takes at most 1 minute to chop the zucchini and mix it with sugar in the bag. Then put it in the oven bag and put it in the microwave and select the vegetable cooking program and enter the weight. After 8,5 minutes, your pumpkin dessert is ready in its perfect consistency :)

Now, whether you serve it with tahini or walnuts, I've done both :) I will have both practical and delicious microwave recipes in the coming days...


Ingredients for Microwave Pumpkin Dessert Recipe

  • 500 g diced pumpkin
  • 180 granulated sugar (1 cup)
  • 1 oven bag


  1. Chop the peeled pumpkins into cubes.
  2. Fill the zucchini into the baking bag, pour all the granulated sugar on it.
  3. Shake the oven bag you have tied, so that the granulated sugar and zucchini mix well.
  4. Put the bag you prepared into the microwave container and make 3-4 holes in the bag with the help of a knife.
  5. Select the A4 (vegetable cooking) feature of your Hotpoint Microwave oven. After setting the weight to 500 gr, turn on the microwave.
  6. After 8,5 minutes, when the program is over, open the bags of the hot zucchini and share them with the juice on the serving plates.
  7. Serve warm or cold with walnuts.

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