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Meatless Chickpea Meal

Release Date: 02-02-2022
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Hello Dear Friends,

I realized that I haven't added one of my most frequent recipes to my blog. My late grandmother loved the meatless dried beans and chickpeas. He wouldn't even add ground beef to potatoes and green lentils. After my daughter switched to supplementary food, I started making them all with meat, otherwise I always prefer meatless and tomato paste :)

meatless chickpeas recipe

As you know, I have a habit of throwing some chickpeas into it even if I make something without meat :) That's why I boil a lot of chickpeas and put them in the freezer. It makes my job so easy that I recommend it to everyone.

Keep in mind that 1,5 cups of chickpeas become 3 cups when wet and cooked. Plain tomato paste can also be used, but if you are going to use plain tomato paste, let it be mixed with pepper and tomato. I add the capia pepper tomato sauce that I made in the summer, if you want, you can also use grated tomatoes.


Ingredients for Meatless Chickpea Recipe

* 3 cups of boiled chickpeas
* 1 onion
* 1 clove of garlic
* 1 green pepper (optional)
* 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
* 1 cup of tomato sauce
* 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
* 2 tablespoons of olive oil
* Salt
* Black pepper
* cumin
* 1 cup of bone broth
* 2,5 cups of hot water


Chop the onion and garlic. Take the oil in the pot and add the onion and fry it (if you are going to use it, add the chopped pepper).
When the onion becomes transparent, add the garlic and mix for 1-2 turns and add the tomato paste.
When the tomato paste is browned, add the tomato sauce and mix.
Mix in the chickpeas and spices.
Add bone broth and water and cook on low heat until it boils.

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