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Making Sourdough at Home – How to make Day 4? There is also 5 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk baker's yeast, bread flour, sourdough, how to make sourdough?, homemade yeast, organic flour, Breads

Homemade Sourdough Making – Day 4

Release Date: 03-02-2012
4 5 5 1

The fourth day has come. We can say that our yeast, which we raised by looking into its eyes, has entered the puberty period :) It is progressing very coyly, very unsteadily. Between whether I swell or not.

bread yeast

Actually, we seem to be going the same as Cenk' ( His leaven was in this situation on the same day. There wasn't much of a swell. Very little in the shell. It's foamy on the top and the inside is exactly the same.

Yesterday it swelled near the 12 Oz level, while it remained at 1/2 PINT as you can see in the picture above. I think he is gaining strength for the high bulking phases he will perform in the next days.

Since I don't see the need to make any changes in the recipe, we pour 80% of the mixture, add the amount of flour and water in the recipe and wait for tomorrow.

By the way, Cenk finished the yeast and left it on the 9th day yesterday. I feel that there is a bread making work behind this silence :) I know that until he prepares his bread and writes it, he will have reached the maturity to kiss his hands on our yeast.
day 1 and preparation

sourdough day 2

sourdough day 3

sourdough day 4

sourdough day 5

sourdough day 6

sourdough day 7


Sourdough Recipe – 4 . DAY

Recipe adapted from

Making Sourdough at Home – Ingredients for Day 4 Recipe

  • 125 grams (3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons) bread and whole wheat flour (50%-50%) mix
  • 100 grams (about 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon) drinking water, at room temperature


  1. Discard 80% of the sourdough with the dried layer on top.
  2. Add the flour and water and mix with a wooden spoon until the pieces of flour disappear.
  3. Scrape off the dough sticking to the rim of the bowl, cover the top with a napkin and leave it to ferment in a warm, sun-drenched corner of your kitchen.



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"Homemade Sourdough Making – Day 45 comments for ”

  • On January 10, 2013 at 21:22 am

    Hello Miss Nilay,

    I made up my mind to make sourdough and scoured the search engine to find the appropriate sizes and I was on my way. On my 3rd day, I am progressing with hope, but there is something stuck in my head. Do we have to throw away some of the mixture? It was a strange question, but my grandmother used to strictly advise when we were little, that bread should not be thrown away. I am now suffering from guilt. If I don't, will I disturb the life flow of our beloved bacteria?

    • On January 11, 2013 at 17:32 am

      Hello Ayşe :) They are not bread yet :) If you set them aside (another container) you have to feed them too so they don't die and that means you make 2 different yeasts. If you do not follow the measurements, the yeast will not hold. love.

  • on July 07, 2012 at 18:24

    today is my fourth day but instead of crusting on the top, water accumulated, the dough part collapsed to the bottom, is there something wrong?? I saw the swelling on the second day, the dough doubled, then I poured 80% of it, it looks weird today :)

    • on July 08, 2012 at 21:44

      Hello Tülay, it will not be a problem. When pouring the water on it and feeding the yeast, use the same amount of flour, but reduce the amount of water by 20%.

  • On February 03, 2012 at 14:50

    Your sourdough adventure contains very valuable information for me. Looking forward to the sequel :)


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"Homemade Sourdough Making – Day 45 comments for ”

  • On January 10, 2013 at 21:22 am

    Hello Miss Nilay,

    I made up my mind to make sourdough and scoured the search engine to find the appropriate sizes and I was on my way. On my 3rd day, I am progressing with hope, but there is something stuck in my head. Do we have to throw away some of the mixture? It was a strange question, but my grandmother used to strictly advise when we were little, that bread should not be thrown away. I am now suffering from guilt. If I don't, will I disturb the life flow of our beloved bacteria?

    • On January 11, 2013 at 17:32 am

      Hello Ayşe :) They are not bread yet :) If you set them aside (another container) you have to feed them too so they don't die and that means you make 2 different yeasts. If you do not follow the measurements, the yeast will not hold. love.

  • on July 07, 2012 at 18:24

    today is my fourth day but instead of crusting on the top, water accumulated, the dough part collapsed to the bottom, is there something wrong?? I saw the swelling on the second day, the dough doubled, then I poured 80% of it, it looks weird today :)

    • on July 08, 2012 at 21:44

      Hello Tülay, it will not be a problem. When pouring the water on it and feeding the yeast, use the same amount of flour, but reduce the amount of water by 20%.

  • On February 03, 2012 at 14:50

    Your sourdough adventure contains very valuable information for me. Looking forward to the sequel :)


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