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Release Date: 08-05-2009
4 5 5 1

Ms. Kezban, good luck to your hands :) It's very delicious….


Ingredients for Macrot Recipe

3 glass of semolina
1 cup melted margarine
2 glasses of rose water
200 g date pulp
2 glass of honey
Oil for frying


First, warm the date pulp a little in the microwave, add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and knead it lightly. Divide it into pieces and stretch them thinly. In another bowl, knead the semolina margarine and 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon. Add 1 cup of rose water at a temperature that will not burn your hands and knead again. Rose water gives a very nice scent and helps it harden and hold tightly. Then put it on the counter and spread it thinly. Press it from the top and sides with your hand for a long time and shape it into a long, thin square. Make a slight well-like depth in the middle with your fingers. Put the extended date pulp inside and close it. Make the final arrangement and cut at equal intervals. Make a pattern on it with a knife. Mix honey and the remaining 1 tbsp of warm rose water in a large bowl. Fry the pieces you cut in hot oil and let them rest on a napkin for a while. Put it into the honey sherbet and let it absorb the sherbet. If you want, you can make it with normal sherbet, but honey sherbet is very nice in terms of smell and taste. Enjoy your meal

Posted by: Kezban

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