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How to make Acıbadem Cookies? There are also 53 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 90 min, how to make macaroon, macaroon recipe, tips for making macaroon, bittersweet flavor, step by step cookie recipe, patisserie cookies, patisserie recipes, Pastries


It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 46 oy 4,46/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 30 min
Cooking: 60 min
46 4.46 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The father of cookies, in our opinion, the ancestor of even macarons, macaroon is respected and loved :) Yes, it finally met you...

It may have surprised you that I made such an introduction to the recipe, but I think you can guess how many questions and requests I received about this recipe. Finally, I had the opportunity to photograph the recipe step by step and write down the tricks.

First of all, I should point out that instead of almond flour, mostly hazelnut flour is used in the macaroon cookies you buy from patisseries. Yes, I know this surprises you, but unfortunately it's true. EE, but if you say that we smell and taste like almonds, I can say that it is also a liquid bitter almond flavor. Of course, there are those who make it with almond flour or half hazelnut and half almond, but we don't know because they don't share their secrets... Ours is really almond flour :)

90 min

If you are going to prepare this recipe, you should definitely have a scale because it is very important to keep the recipe ingredients in balance. Don't say, "Is egg whites weighed too", they are being weighed :) Also, have a plastic piping bag and greaseproof paper ready for the baking tray.

There are 3 important tricks in this recipe. When we started to cook the first almond mixture in the pot. If the cookie dough, which we cook by stirring constantly, takes 4-5 seconds to spread, it means that it has reached a consistency that can be taken from the pot. If it stays too watery, it will spread too much on the tray and will not look like in the photo.


The other trick is to put the cookies on a cloth moistened with plenty of water after they come out of the oven and let the cookies separate from the paper by themselves. If they are not sufficiently moistened, they become empty when leaving the paper and they do not stick to each other. Then no matter what you use, you can't stick it together.

acibadem_cookies_how to_make

Finally, after going to the second stage of baking and increasing the temperature, check the cookies at frequent intervals. Take it out of the oven as it turns golden yellow, if the color is darker than it should be, the cookies start to harden.

There are around 22-24 cookies in total, so you have over 40 single macaroon cookies.



Ingredients for Macaroons Recipe

  • 250 g almond flour
  • 375 gr granulated sugar
  • 200 g egg white
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 drop of almond flavor (optional)


  1. Put the almond flour, granulated sugar and egg whites in a medium saucepan. Mix thoroughly with a wire whisk in the saucepan.
  2. Put it in a saucepan and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring. (If it takes 10-15 seconds to spread when you mix it, it means it has a consistency.)
  3. Pour the thickened mixture on the kitchen counter, pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice on it, spread it on the counter with the help of a spatula, collect it and cool it. (In this way, it will cool faster and the lemon juice will mix into the dough)
  4. Put the dough at room temperature in a piping bag.
  5. Squeeze 2-3 cm in diameter at 3-4 cm intervals on the tray on which you laid greaseproof paper.
  6. Bake for 130 minutes in a preheated 30 degree oven. After 30 minutes, increase the heat to 150 degrees and bake for about 10-12 minutes until the color of the cookies reaches the desired shade (be very careful at the end of the first 30 minutes, continue to bake by checking the color of the cookies).
  7. Before taking the cookies out of the oven, lay a damp cloth on the kitchen counter.
  8. Take the cookies from the tray with the paper and place them on this wet cloth. (If the paper is not moist enough, the cookies will stick to the paper and will fall apart when you try to remove it)
  9. Stick the cookies you separated from the moistened greaseproof paper together and put them on the serving plate.

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"Macaroons53 comments for ”

  • On November 29, 2020 at 15:35 PM

    Hello there
    I visit often to receive inspiration from your beautiful blog. Acibadem is one of my favorite cookies, but I still do not dare. Since Begendik in Ankara, Kocatepe, and Flamingo Kapali in Tunali, Necatibey Meram did not do as it used to do, it's time to come back to work.
    But I have one caveat: The cookies will be flat, the top will be like glass and the crack will be like cracked earth, and the inside will be soft. What are the conditions that allow this? I'm afraid of spoiling all the beautiful and expensive materials...

    • On December 01, 2020 at 16:13


      Unfortunately, many precious places succumb to time and conditions. First of all, don't forget to follow the tricks I gave you. It is important that you know your oven temperature well. Cook less, cook more, experience a little. The rest is just like I said.

  • Oct. 05, 2019 at 23:13 PM

    A very good recipe, why not almond cookies, Adida.
    ,Do we need to find bitter almonds inside the macaroon?

    • Oct. 13, 2019 at 00:49 PM

      A classic patisserie, almond doesn't smell like that, I guess because the bitter almond flavor gives it the smell.

  • On December 05, 2018 at 12:13

    First of all, as a bitter almond lover, I would like to thank you for your recipe. I also made it last night, but even though I weighed your recipe exactly, it was runny and did not thicken. After 10 minutes, I was able to thicken it with 150 gr almond flour. By boiling it that way, in 10 minutes. I made it darker. It was very well cooked, but it did not crack like the ones in the patisserie. I tasted it in the evening, the flavor was very good, but I finished it and they didn't stick. They were sticky when I got up in the morning and tasted them, but the outside was hard enough to tire the teeth.

    • On December 05, 2018 at 14:26

      Hello, Ms. Ümran, first of all, good luck to your hands, you may have hardened due to the addition of almond flour you made. Usually, it is difficult to keep the consistency in the first try. It is sufficient to moisten the wax paper for it to combine. So the cookies stick easily. Yours sincerely

  • On June 23, 2017 at 09:42 PM

    Try it with walnuts instead of almond flour. It is much better. The recipe rates are sufficient, but the amount is too much for the tray. In the same proportions, 160 g egg whites, 300 g granulated sugar and 200 g walnut, hazelnut or almond flour fit perfectly on a baking tray.

  • On April 15, 2017 at 08:39 PM

    Since I don't have regular sugar at home, I used powdered sugar, it was delicious, I'm eating it with tea right now, thank you very much for the recipe.

  • On November 04, 2016 at 16:38 PM

    I tried it for the first time, it tasted great. We finished it in a day. All sizes fit. I definitely recommend it.

    • On November 07, 2016 at 12:19 PM

      Best regards :)

  • on May 25, 2016 at 18:04

    Hello.. I tried your recipe to the letter today. The result was beautiful. It just seems so sweet to me. Can I get the same result by reducing the amount of sugar? With love…

  • On February 03, 2016 at 14:58

    I made it with full measurements, the result was perfect, but I won't use the squeezing bag on the bench next time, but a few I shaped it by getting my hand wet looks much more successful :)

  • On November 28, 2015 at 20:41 PM


    Dough cooking times in the recipe differ in both sentences, I wonder which one is correct.

    “If the cookie dough we cook by stirring takes 4-5 seconds to spread, it means that it has reached a consistency that can be taken from the pot.”

    “Put the pot on the stove and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring. (If it takes 10-15 seconds to spread when you mix it, it means it has a consistency.)”

    Thank you

    • On November 30, 2015 at 09:36 PM

      I guess there was a typo. 4-5 seconds is appropriate, if it is too dark, it will be dry when baked in the oven. Yours sincerely

  • March 20, 2015 at 00:20

    I tried this love, but I couldn't find almond flour, I made it with hazelnut flour, and it was very good. Especially the pictures you posted and your exact decision measurements were very helpful. Thank you :-**

  • March 04, 2015 at 07:37


    I just tried this too, the measurements are perfectly consistent, contrary to what the person above claimed. But this 130C seemed too little to me. I waited for 15 minutes, but the dough was still the same color, that is, in dough form. This corresponds to 266F as they use F in Canada.

    For example, while making pizza, I cook for 430 minutes at 220F (30C). So I'm not sure if there is a difference in ovens. Some sites say use 150C, some say 200C. I would be glad if you have any information about this.

    • March 04, 2015 at 16:04

      While writing the degree, of course, I wrote the cooking time in my own oven. There will definitely be people who write comments from followers living abroad like you. Also, I don't understand what you mean by that person at the top?

      • March 07, 2015 at 22:37

        Thank you, when I said the person above, I was talking about the lady who claimed that the egg was low. Recipe measures are great, and thanks for using metric measures.

    • March 01, 2015 at 19:34

      Yes, Ms. Refika also benefited from my blog, in this line “I was very happy to come across Ms. Nilay's Kitchen Secrets portal with the macaroon recipe. I wanted to share with you these recipes that took me to other places while I was eating, and the people who made it happen.” he stated in his cover letter.

  • On February 02, 2015 at 19:38

    I made it, it was delicious. Despite my first cooking, it was much more beautiful than the bitter almonds sold in the patisserie. I used half of the sizes and made a decision. If you can't be sure in your first try, you can reduce the risk of wastage by using half the material. Dimensions; 1 glass of hazelnut flour (since I have hazelnut at home, I used it in a rondo and only used it, 3 drops of egg white, 1 glass of powdered sugar and macaroon flavoring, 3 drops is all it takes.

  • On December 25, 2014 at 20:13

    Do these macaroon cookies taste like chewing gum? I love it so too :))

  • On December 19, 2014 at 04:52

    This much egg white is less than 250 g hazelnut or almond flour. Also, use powdered sugar. I've definitely tried, it's not a successful recipe. Egg whites are low

    • On December 19, 2014 at 07:20

      You must have made a mistake because I weighed all the ingredients and the result was very good.

  • On November 24, 2014 at 15:38 PM

    It remained on the stove for almost an hour, but there was not much condensation. Maybe I should use a different measure with the materials here. I am writing from abroad.

  • On November 23, 2014 at 16:54 PM

    Hello, your cookies look very delicious, well done. I'm doing it right now, but mine was very runny, even though I measured it gram by gram. I haven't poured it on the counter yet, should I increase the almond flour?
    I also don't want the materials to be wasted. Can you help urgently?

    • On November 23, 2014 at 21:26 PM

      If it is runny, it should not be taken from the stove until it thickens. If you increase flour, it can be a problem. Yours sincerely

  • Sept. 16, 2014 at 03:21 pm

    hello, you are looking very good. my kitchen counter is not marble, would it be a problem to cool the mixture on a non-marble counter?

    • Sept. 16, 2014 at 09:20 pm

      I don't think it will be a problem. Yours sincerely

  • on August 08, 2014 at 16:50

    It is delicious!! The photos are infuriating.

  • On June 19, 2014 at 14:04 PM

    4-5 seconds in the tip section,
    10-15 seconds in the recipe. it was said. which one is right ?

    • On June 19, 2014 at 17:21 PM

      Both are suitable. The situation may change depending on the material you use, if it reaches the consistency I showed during the production stages after 4-5 seconds, you will not have a problem. Yours sincerely

  • on May 18, 2014 at 15:29

    Hello, I have both bitter almonds and normal almonds. What do you mean by almond flour??

    • on May 18, 2014 at 16:23

      You can buy almond flour from herbalists and cake shops. Say regular almonds.

      • on May 27, 2014 at 17:37

        When it comes to almond flour, it can confuse people. It's not a different flour. You can also use ground almonds.

  • On April 30, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    Maybe it was overcooked, but there was no liquefaction during the cooking process, it was too dense as in the picture. This is my 2nd try.
    Maybe it's because my sugar is brown sugar, because I use unrefined sugarcane sugar, maybe that's why.
    :( still didn't work

    • On April 30, 2014 at 13:37 PM

      Maybe, in this type of patisserie recipes, it is very important to comply with the ingredients. After all, the structure of the two sugars is very different. Yours sincerely

  • On April 29, 2014 at 21:47 PM

    I tried the recipe today, I can't measure everything gram by gram, but I cooked it on low heat, but it didn't spread at all :( on the contrary, it had a thick consistency, it was very difficult to put in the oven with that dark color, I wonder how it will be.

    • On April 29, 2014 at 22:13 PM

      Did you over cook? I had no trouble squeezing it.

  • On April 11, 2014 at 19:02 PM

    I make the almond flour and the flour of other nuts myself. I use it instead of white flour by adding baking powder in all my cakes and cakes. It's very nice. I buy unroasted raw almonds or hazelnuts or peanuts or walnuts whatever I want from the nut shop. I'm going through rondo. Here is flour for you!…
    Walnuts do not need peanuts, but it is especially good to peel the almonds. Then pour boiling water over the almonds and let it sit for 10 minutes. I wait, then I peel them off, dry them on a tray and dry them in the oven at 100 degrees veee rondo…

  • March 24, 2014 at 18:53

    I tried but
    After you put it on the counter, when you add the lemon juice, it becomes solid. Therefore, I think it should not be overcooked.

    • On April 11, 2014 at 18:48 PM

      Absolutely I agree. I tried too. Being too dense also makes it difficult to squeeze.

  • March 24, 2014 at 18:12

    Hello Nilay lady; I love macaroon cookies. And it looks amazing. I want to try it. I had 2 questions.

    1) Even if I don't add bitter almond flavor, will I get that taste because of almond flour?
    2) I want to reduce the amount of eggs, along with how much should I reduce other ingredients?
    I would appreciate if you can help. Thank you.

    • March 24, 2014 at 22:45

      Hello, Love, this situation changes according to the taste. My wife said I don't think you should add aroma, my mother-in-law said it was just right with the aroma. If you don't like bitter almonds, don't add flavoring or just drop a tiny drop. If you play with the amount of eggs, you will have to proportion and reduce all the ingredients. For the first try, in my opinion, definitely do not play. Yours sincerely

  • March 19, 2014 at 17:25

    Well done Nilay…
    I've been waiting for a long time I will try this recipe as soon as possible, it looks great.

  • March 19, 2014 at 16:42

    It looks great, did you use anything to glue it together?

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:14

      I wrote it in the recipe. Cookies moistened with cloth are self-adhesive to each other.

  • March 19, 2014 at 15:53

    Hi, where do you find almond flour or hazelnut flour?
    Very merciful.

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:17

      You can look at major markets and herbalists. You can get it from cake shops.

  • March 19, 2014 at 14:47

    Thank you very much for the recipe..
    I can't find almond flour, will it be the same if I use hazelnut flour?
    Also, approximately how many egg whites are 200 grams of egg whites?
    Thank you..

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:13

      Hi Demet, I haven't tried it but I don't think it will make much difference. An egg white comes in about 30 grams, but it is best to weigh it. Yours sincerely


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"Macaroons53 comments for ”

  • On November 29, 2020 at 15:35 PM

    Hello there
    I visit often to receive inspiration from your beautiful blog. Acibadem is one of my favorite cookies, but I still do not dare. Since Begendik in Ankara, Kocatepe, and Flamingo Kapali in Tunali, Necatibey Meram did not do as it used to do, it's time to come back to work.
    But I have one caveat: The cookies will be flat, the top will be like glass and the crack will be like cracked earth, and the inside will be soft. What are the conditions that allow this? I'm afraid of spoiling all the beautiful and expensive materials...

    • On December 01, 2020 at 16:13


      Unfortunately, many precious places succumb to time and conditions. First of all, don't forget to follow the tricks I gave you. It is important that you know your oven temperature well. Cook less, cook more, experience a little. The rest is just like I said.

  • Oct. 05, 2019 at 23:13 PM

    A very good recipe, why not almond cookies, Adida.
    ,Do we need to find bitter almonds inside the macaroon?

    • Oct. 13, 2019 at 00:49 PM

      A classic patisserie, almond doesn't smell like that, I guess because the bitter almond flavor gives it the smell.

  • On December 05, 2018 at 12:13

    First of all, as a bitter almond lover, I would like to thank you for your recipe. I also made it last night, but even though I weighed your recipe exactly, it was runny and did not thicken. After 10 minutes, I was able to thicken it with 150 gr almond flour. By boiling it that way, in 10 minutes. I made it darker. It was very well cooked, but it did not crack like the ones in the patisserie. I tasted it in the evening, the flavor was very good, but I finished it and they didn't stick. They were sticky when I got up in the morning and tasted them, but the outside was hard enough to tire the teeth.

    • On December 05, 2018 at 14:26

      Hello, Ms. Ümran, first of all, good luck to your hands, you may have hardened due to the addition of almond flour you made. Usually, it is difficult to keep the consistency in the first try. It is sufficient to moisten the wax paper for it to combine. So the cookies stick easily. Yours sincerely

  • On June 23, 2017 at 09:42 PM

    Try it with walnuts instead of almond flour. It is much better. The recipe rates are sufficient, but the amount is too much for the tray. In the same proportions, 160 g egg whites, 300 g granulated sugar and 200 g walnut, hazelnut or almond flour fit perfectly on a baking tray.

  • On April 15, 2017 at 08:39 PM

    Since I don't have regular sugar at home, I used powdered sugar, it was delicious, I'm eating it with tea right now, thank you very much for the recipe.

  • On November 04, 2016 at 16:38 PM

    I tried it for the first time, it tasted great. We finished it in a day. All sizes fit. I definitely recommend it.

    • On November 07, 2016 at 12:19 PM

      Best regards :)

  • on May 25, 2016 at 18:04

    Hello.. I tried your recipe to the letter today. The result was beautiful. It just seems so sweet to me. Can I get the same result by reducing the amount of sugar? With love…

  • On February 03, 2016 at 14:58

    I made it with full measurements, the result was perfect, but I won't use the squeezing bag on the bench next time, but a few I shaped it by getting my hand wet looks much more successful :)

  • On November 28, 2015 at 20:41 PM


    Dough cooking times in the recipe differ in both sentences, I wonder which one is correct.

    “If the cookie dough we cook by stirring takes 4-5 seconds to spread, it means that it has reached a consistency that can be taken from the pot.”

    “Put the pot on the stove and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring. (If it takes 10-15 seconds to spread when you mix it, it means it has a consistency.)”

    Thank you

    • On November 30, 2015 at 09:36 PM

      I guess there was a typo. 4-5 seconds is appropriate, if it is too dark, it will be dry when baked in the oven. Yours sincerely

  • March 20, 2015 at 00:20

    I tried this love, but I couldn't find almond flour, I made it with hazelnut flour, and it was very good. Especially the pictures you posted and your exact decision measurements were very helpful. Thank you :-**

  • March 04, 2015 at 07:37


    I just tried this too, the measurements are perfectly consistent, contrary to what the person above claimed. But this 130C seemed too little to me. I waited for 15 minutes, but the dough was still the same color, that is, in dough form. This corresponds to 266F as they use F in Canada.

    For example, while making pizza, I cook for 430 minutes at 220F (30C). So I'm not sure if there is a difference in ovens. Some sites say use 150C, some say 200C. I would be glad if you have any information about this.

    • March 04, 2015 at 16:04

      While writing the degree, of course, I wrote the cooking time in my own oven. There will definitely be people who write comments from followers living abroad like you. Also, I don't understand what you mean by that person at the top?

      • March 07, 2015 at 22:37

        Thank you, when I said the person above, I was talking about the lady who claimed that the egg was low. Recipe measures are great, and thanks for using metric measures.

    • March 01, 2015 at 19:34

      Yes, Ms. Refika also benefited from my blog, in this line “I was very happy to come across Ms. Nilay's Kitchen Secrets portal with the macaroon recipe. I wanted to share with you these recipes that took me to other places while I was eating, and the people who made it happen.” he stated in his cover letter.

  • On February 02, 2015 at 19:38

    I made it, it was delicious. Despite my first cooking, it was much more beautiful than the bitter almonds sold in the patisserie. I used half of the sizes and made a decision. If you can't be sure in your first try, you can reduce the risk of wastage by using half the material. Dimensions; 1 glass of hazelnut flour (since I have hazelnut at home, I used it in a rondo and only used it, 3 drops of egg white, 1 glass of powdered sugar and macaroon flavoring, 3 drops is all it takes.

  • On December 25, 2014 at 20:13

    Do these macaroon cookies taste like chewing gum? I love it so too :))

  • On December 19, 2014 at 04:52

    This much egg white is less than 250 g hazelnut or almond flour. Also, use powdered sugar. I've definitely tried, it's not a successful recipe. Egg whites are low

    • On December 19, 2014 at 07:20

      You must have made a mistake because I weighed all the ingredients and the result was very good.

  • On November 24, 2014 at 15:38 PM

    It remained on the stove for almost an hour, but there was not much condensation. Maybe I should use a different measure with the materials here. I am writing from abroad.

  • On November 23, 2014 at 16:54 PM

    Hello, your cookies look very delicious, well done. I'm doing it right now, but mine was very runny, even though I measured it gram by gram. I haven't poured it on the counter yet, should I increase the almond flour?
    I also don't want the materials to be wasted. Can you help urgently?

    • On November 23, 2014 at 21:26 PM

      If it is runny, it should not be taken from the stove until it thickens. If you increase flour, it can be a problem. Yours sincerely

  • Sept. 16, 2014 at 03:21 pm

    hello, you are looking very good. my kitchen counter is not marble, would it be a problem to cool the mixture on a non-marble counter?

    • Sept. 16, 2014 at 09:20 pm

      I don't think it will be a problem. Yours sincerely

  • on August 08, 2014 at 16:50

    It is delicious!! The photos are infuriating.

  • On June 19, 2014 at 14:04 PM

    4-5 seconds in the tip section,
    10-15 seconds in the recipe. it was said. which one is right ?

    • On June 19, 2014 at 17:21 PM

      Both are suitable. The situation may change depending on the material you use, if it reaches the consistency I showed during the production stages after 4-5 seconds, you will not have a problem. Yours sincerely

  • on May 18, 2014 at 15:29

    Hello, I have both bitter almonds and normal almonds. What do you mean by almond flour??

    • on May 18, 2014 at 16:23

      You can buy almond flour from herbalists and cake shops. Say regular almonds.

      • on May 27, 2014 at 17:37

        When it comes to almond flour, it can confuse people. It's not a different flour. You can also use ground almonds.

  • On April 30, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    Maybe it was overcooked, but there was no liquefaction during the cooking process, it was too dense as in the picture. This is my 2nd try.
    Maybe it's because my sugar is brown sugar, because I use unrefined sugarcane sugar, maybe that's why.
    :( still didn't work

    • On April 30, 2014 at 13:37 PM

      Maybe, in this type of patisserie recipes, it is very important to comply with the ingredients. After all, the structure of the two sugars is very different. Yours sincerely

  • On April 29, 2014 at 21:47 PM

    I tried the recipe today, I can't measure everything gram by gram, but I cooked it on low heat, but it didn't spread at all :( on the contrary, it had a thick consistency, it was very difficult to put in the oven with that dark color, I wonder how it will be.

    • On April 29, 2014 at 22:13 PM

      Did you over cook? I had no trouble squeezing it.

  • On April 11, 2014 at 19:02 PM

    I make the almond flour and the flour of other nuts myself. I use it instead of white flour by adding baking powder in all my cakes and cakes. It's very nice. I buy unroasted raw almonds or hazelnuts or peanuts or walnuts whatever I want from the nut shop. I'm going through rondo. Here is flour for you!…
    Walnuts do not need peanuts, but it is especially good to peel the almonds. Then pour boiling water over the almonds and let it sit for 10 minutes. I wait, then I peel them off, dry them on a tray and dry them in the oven at 100 degrees veee rondo…

  • March 24, 2014 at 18:53

    I tried but
    After you put it on the counter, when you add the lemon juice, it becomes solid. Therefore, I think it should not be overcooked.

    • On April 11, 2014 at 18:48 PM

      Absolutely I agree. I tried too. Being too dense also makes it difficult to squeeze.

  • March 24, 2014 at 18:12

    Hello Nilay lady; I love macaroon cookies. And it looks amazing. I want to try it. I had 2 questions.

    1) Even if I don't add bitter almond flavor, will I get that taste because of almond flour?
    2) I want to reduce the amount of eggs, along with how much should I reduce other ingredients?
    I would appreciate if you can help. Thank you.

    • March 24, 2014 at 22:45

      Hello, Love, this situation changes according to the taste. My wife said I don't think you should add aroma, my mother-in-law said it was just right with the aroma. If you don't like bitter almonds, don't add flavoring or just drop a tiny drop. If you play with the amount of eggs, you will have to proportion and reduce all the ingredients. For the first try, in my opinion, definitely do not play. Yours sincerely

  • March 19, 2014 at 17:25

    Well done Nilay…
    I've been waiting for a long time I will try this recipe as soon as possible, it looks great.

  • March 19, 2014 at 16:42

    It looks great, did you use anything to glue it together?

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:14

      I wrote it in the recipe. Cookies moistened with cloth are self-adhesive to each other.

  • March 19, 2014 at 15:53

    Hi, where do you find almond flour or hazelnut flour?
    Very merciful.

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:17

      You can look at major markets and herbalists. You can get it from cake shops.

  • March 19, 2014 at 14:47

    Thank you very much for the recipe..
    I can't find almond flour, will it be the same if I use hazelnut flour?
    Also, approximately how many egg whites are 200 grams of egg whites?
    Thank you..

    • March 19, 2014 at 22:13

      Hi Demet, I haven't tried it but I don't think it will make much difference. An egg white comes in about 30 grams, but it is best to weigh it. Yours sincerely


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