This week, my wife and I had a little island getaway. This is the reason why I stayed away from you for 2 days :) We visited a lot of places and took a lot of photos. I'll be sharing our Big Island adventure soon.
You might say, where did this macaron come from? Today, I was a guest in one of Chef's Istanbul's well-known Macaron courses. We got great information on how to make the legendary macaron in a cheerful environment and applied it.
Macaron is a type of cookie, very similar to macaroon but softer. It can be made in different colors and sizes by adding sour cherry, blackberry, orange and lemon flavors. Gel food coloring is used for coloring.
It is very important to stick to the weight and recipe in making macarons. Sometimes, even if you do everything exactly, the result can be disappointing.
Now let's come to the Tips of Making Macaron,
1- All materials must be at room temperature.
2- A sugar degree must be used.
3- The consistency of the meringue (egg white) should be firm enough to be cut with a spoon.
4- While preparing the meringue, it should always be whisked in the same direction.
5- While making macarons, the room temperature should not change, there should not be a breeze in the kitchen, otherwise the macarons will crack.
6- The equipment you use while making meringue and cookies must be dry.
7- No matter how dominant the color is, fresh fruit should not be used for the filling.
8- Ivory couverture should be used for colored creams.
9- When the water and sugar mixture reaches 115 degrees, egg whites should be started to be whisked, and when it reaches 118 degrees, add the meringue, which is like snow.
Many thanks to Yağız Şef and dear Emine for this beautiful day :) Those who are curious about the photos can take a look at the album below the recipe. Love…
Cookie Ingredients:
125 g powdered sugar
125 g ground almonds
120 gr granulated sugar
50 grams of water
80 g egg white
1- Blend the powdered sugar and powdered almonds in a blender until they are well mixed. (If you want to make it colorful, add some food coloring after this process is finished)
2- Boil granulated sugar and water in a coffee pot until it reaches 118 degrees.
3- In another plastic and dry bowl, whisk the egg whites until they become like snow.
4- Pour the syrup, which has reached 118 degrees, into the egg white that has risen slowly (7-8 times).
5- With the help of a spatula, beat the egg whites that you have fed the syrup into the powdered almonds and powdered sugar mixture. (Divide the egg white into 2 and eat).
6- Put the macaron dough you prepared in a cream bag. Using the flat tip, squeeze 2-3 cm intervals onto the greaseproof paper lined tray.
7- Bake in a preheated oven at 120 degrees for 29 minutes. Leave the cooked macarons to cool on the tray.
Cream ingredients:
100 g dark or ivory couverture chocolate
200 g cream
1- Take the cream into the sauce pan. Heat until it reaches boiling point.
2- Take the cream that comes to the boiling point from the stove and add the chopped chocolate.
3- Mix until you get a smooth chocolate sauce and let it rest for 30 minutes by taking it to the refrigerator to thicken.
Combining the macaron:
1- Separate the cookies you have prepared from the greaseproof paper with the help of a spatula and match them.
2- Put the cooled and thickened cream in a cream bag. Squeeze the cream into the middle of the cookie as in the photo.
3- Gently press the other cookie on the cream and spread it in circular motions.
4- Follow the same process until all the cookies are finished.
Note: 20 macarons come out with these ingredients.
[Nggallery id = 29]
Hello, I applied your macaron recipe exactly, the result was great, thank you very much, I have something to ask, I would appreciate if you could help me, I wonder at what rate I need to change the dimensions if I want to make cocoa
Hello, I want to know the brand and amount of the paint used.
so that we can make beautiful colorful macarons like you :)
Hello Meltem, the amount is determined by adding little by little until you get the color you want. If you are going to use liquid food coloring, you start with 1 drop. It's been a long time, unfortunately I don't prepare the mara, but you can buy it from the shops that sell cake supplies.
I need to take out 60 macarons. I did not understand a thing from the scales in my hand. I will be glad if you help me. And my oven is drum oven how many minutes do I need to cook?
Unfortunately, I haven't experimented with the drum oven. If there is a friend who is Ypan, he will write to you. Yours sincerely
I haven't tried to make Macaron yet, there are kitchen supplies and pastry supplies I need to buy... I read in the comments. But I did not understand some things.
In the ingredients: is it talking about raw cream, the one that looks like milk in a box, or that cream that is in powder form and made ready with milk?
In the image: what does it mean to be skirted, I guess, depending on the oven, the cooking time also varies, but when the edges are not smooth and "plunge", it becomes "I am"? :)
Therefore, keeping the color alive like this actually depends on the gel food coloring used and the oven.
When made according to this recipe, does it have to wait after it is poured on wax paper, before putting it in the oven, and after it comes out of the oven, approximately how long? Because there are different opinions about it.
Hello, you got everything right. I'll answer your questions.
1- Cream, which is like milk in the box, is also called milk cream or raw cream. Keep in mind it's powdered whipped cream.
2- Flickering gold roughening and swelling as in the photo.
3- Oven and paint are very important.
4- Min. Let it wait 30 minutes, but try and try and you will find the waiting time of your environment.
I've tried macoron for a long time, I can't keep it, should the oven be turbo or altust please help me
only after squeezing the macarons onto the tray, leave them to dry in the room for 15 minutes, then throw them in the oven.
I tried your recipe, the shape was perfect, it was skirted, it was not cracked, it was smooth, but the inside remained raw and the outside became like a crust. What should I do?
Hello dear Ceren, macarons are slightly moist inside. Rest until morning, she, without separating from the paper. It will dry out even more. love.
Ms. nilay, my macarons were not moist inside, they were uncooked macarons dough. Also, it is recommended to keep it for 20-25 minutes.
I tried a macaron recipe without sherbet, I even tried it a few times, but it didn't work. I tried it 5 times. I've seen many recipes with syrup, but I decided that it wouldn't be right to try because I don't have a degree. And I will make sure that the powdered sugar is starch-free. Then I will try this recipe. Thanks for sharing, it's very fluffy. it favorite :) i will try it thanks in advance
Could you write down how many eggs on average 80 gr egg white corresponds and how many glasses of water in 120 gr granulated sugar. thanks..
The cup sizes in each house vary according to the weight of different egg whites, whether they are large or medium. For delicate recipes like macaron, I recommend using a scale, but you can try turning it here.
I tried macarons from another site. It was my first try. It was very good. I just had to keep it for 3 more minutes. …Mines didn't crack :) As I said, they waited outside for 2 hours before putting them in the oven.
Could you share the recipe with us or give the link of the site?
I use powdered food coloring to color my macaroons, but their color changes when cooked. They don't have beautiful colors like yours. What would you suggest I do?
Using gel food coloring will be more beneficial. Yours sincerely
Hello, I want to try your recipe as it is different from the macaron recipes I read on the internet, but how should the change in the recipe be for this with chocolate or cocoa.
First of all, the almond & sugar mixture should be mixed with meringue very carefully and with a spatula in one direction, after the macarons are squeezed into the tray, the tray should be hit several times to remove the air, and the squeezed macarons should be left at normal room temperature for at least 20 minutes until they dry on top, this will prevent the macarons from cracking, try you will see the difference.
Your powdered sugar should be starch-free or the starch ratio should not exceed 2 percent, this warning is from me :)
I did everything to the letter, I even closed the doors, but my macarons cracked :(
This recipe is very difficult to make at home, for those who can't do it, there is a ready mix of Carte d'Or, they can take it, but of course it is always better to make it at home :)
Where can we find a culinary degree?
You can buy it from cake shops and online.
I find macaroon very tasty and I will try it at the first opportunity. But it has so many organizations that it requires serious preliminary preparation. First I need a mixer, a degree and a graduated vessel. Not even counting the ingredients. Isn't there an easy version of this? Can a single person do it at home?
It was very nice, thumbs up :) I did the same as here. And the macaroon, which I couldn't make for a long time, is finally in front of me with its frills and smooth surface. But when cooked at 120 C for 29 minutes, the skirts did not form very clear and collapsed when removed from the oven, I think it is due to my oven. I cooked the second tray for 35 minutes. It was much nicer.
Thank you so much.
Hello, did you wait after squeezing the macarons into the tray? The formation of a membrane on it is very necessary for the skirts to be formed at the time of cooking.
I was successful in the french style (without boiling water and sugar) recipe after 10 tries. I cook for 165 minutes at 170-9 degrees.
And when I saw the first skirts, I was very happy.
I was wondering if you succeeded in the first try with this recipe..
Hello :) I also tried to make macarons 6 times. It was a disaster once or twice :) I couldn't get that frilly look on the bottom, although it tasted good in the others. I only managed to hem it in the last one, but this time the top was cracked. I would be very happy if you could give information about why the tops may be cracked. Love… :)
I made exactly the recipe here, but cooked a little more. it was very nice. I suggest you follow the recipe right here. In addition, it is very important that the temperature is 120 C. When you cook the same recipe at 150-160 C, you will most likely get cracks.
Hello, I've been trying to make macaron for 4 days.
Hello Yasemin, first of all, if you want to do this job according to the rules, I would say get a sugar degree. I don't know about the other recipes, but I went to the course and prepared it exactly as you read in the article. That's why I recommend sticking to the schedule. Yours sincerely
After placing the macarons on the tray, is there a waiting period before they are cooked?
Yes. You have to wait until it doesn't stick to your hand. Depends on the environment. It may be short if it is carpeted or heated; but i waited 1 hour :(
Should the food coloring be powder, liquid or gel?
It's written on the top, I guess you didn't see it because it's gel food coloring :)
hello, my question is about almonds, do we need to peel and dry the almonds and grind them? thanks
In the evening, the recipe of this macaroon is warm, it looks very colorful and very nice :)
Hello Zeliha, there is a recipe for macarons on the page, you can read it. It can also be made at home, but it is a somewhat challenging recipe.
Slm, you can definitely use 2 Ci No. with the whisking robot and you can put 50g butter and 25gr powdered sugar in it. It prevents both lumping and clumping.
Thank you very much, I'm a kitchen student, I didn't understand at all when I read the book, but when I read the one on your site, I felt like I did it, thank you, there are people like you.
I'm studying tourism, hotel management, cookery, is it okay if we use hazelnuts instead of almonds?
Hello:) I saw it, I thought I'd answer it :) It's normal for you to experience something like this because of the high oil in almonds. Add the powdered sugar to the almonds while pulling in the robot so that the sugar absorbs the almond oil by preventing it from coming out directly. Also, the almond needs to be thin enough to pass through the strainer :)
I have a question:
I was going to grind the filet almonds in the robot, but it was lumpy. Is there a fix for this question? I'm waiting for your answer.
It's lumpy
Also, make sure the robot is dry.
It's too hard.
hello.. I tried it many times, but there are some problems..for example, the top is not smooth and does not many minutes do you cook at 120 degrees and without waiting for them to dry?
Using processed chocolate for the sauce will have negative results, it will not hold the consistency. For this reason, the couverture chocolate is especially emphasized in the recipe and in order for the upper surfaces of the macarons to be smooth, it is necessary to leave it at room temperature after squeezing it on oiled paper at regular intervals until it gets a crust. Regards…
Chief Tamer
hello. I love your recipe. Thank you very much. But I have a question. You said 200 gr cream in the cream recipe you have reached. What kind of cream is this? I used the one similar to the milk carton you know sold in the markets, but it didn't have a thick consistency. I didn't know if it was from chocolate. because I didn't use it. I would appreciate if you inform me, sevigs.
ewt, I was wondering about that too, I wonder if there are creams sold in the markets????
Where can I find dark or ivory couverture chocolate?
You can get it from shops that sell cake supplies.
How many minutes does it take to reach 118 degrees?
how much water you use, how fiercely the heater burns, the size of the bowl, all of these affect it. For the right result, you will buy and use a heater used for these works :)
Is it necessary to wait for macarons after putting them on the tray in dough consistency? On some sites, it should be kept for 8-12 hours or it will crack.
Hello Emre, I don't think that those sites even tried the recipe, they generally make copies. We did not wait until we put it in the oven.
Hello there,
I'm having trouble measuring quantities.
For example, if you say 30 grams of sugar, how will I measure it?
Hello, I definitely recommend you to buy a kitchen scale to make macaron. But it comes to 2 grams in 30 tablespoons.
hello.. there are different creams in the macarons in the photos, can you share the cream recipes?
Hello Merve, the creams were made with ivory couverture, only food coloring and flavoring were added. It is enough to color the cream recipe I have given, and add food coloring and flavoring (cherry, banana, etc.).
For those who want to try, there are carte dorun ready-made macaroon powders, it is very nice.
this is very nice but very troublesome and very nice sentences have been used to describe the recipes. It is so beautiful that my water has flowed officially :) and it would be very expensive if we bought it ready
sokkk beautifulllll
I tried this recipe 5 times, but I think there are some problems with the tricks. Unfortunately, the recipe does not hold. Do you keep the macarons outside after pouring them on the tray?
What setting should the blower of the oven be at?
Hello Lulu, we didn't do anything extra except what I wrote. I think the oven where we cooked macarons was a turbo oven. It didn't have any extra settings, we heated it to 120 degrees and cooked it.
I'll try again today, Nilaycik... I'll let you know the results :)
I love macaron cookies when I was a cook, my master made it, but it turned out to be a stone like gingerbread you know :)) I tried but I couldn't get what I wanted. This recipe makes sense and looks good, I will try it as soon as possible thank you :)
Ms. Sevil, I look at the pictures and I swallow. I want to try it at home, in what measure we will mix almond flour and powdered sugar?
maybe it will be a little late but I can't help but say it.
I love macarons, they are not found everywhere, even if they are found, I don't call them macarons, that's another issue I'm stuck with, hygiene, as far as I can see in the pictures, no one has a bone cap (in my opinion, this is a must in a kitchen) and secondly, in some pictures it is worked with gloves and in some it is naked. manually, which creates a very ugly image. Everything in a kitchen is white + hygienic + tidy = health
If Mrs. Sevil was a kitchen that manufactures, I would agree with you. But people made macarons for themselves. I don't like wearing gloves and I definitely wouldn't wear them unless there is something hand-painted.
Thanks for the info, I tried it and I think it's great :) but I have a question/problem, the first one is the colors with yours are gorgeous, my reds and yellows come out slightly darkened from the oven, what is the trick to keep these vibrant colors,
secondly, my frills come out when they want to, they don't come out when they don't want to.
Thanks in advance and love,
Where can almond flour be found?
If you have a coffee grinder, you can grind the almonds into flour. Almond flour is not available everywhere.
Don't laugh, but I could never eat macaroon in my life, even if I did, I thought I would eat it when I went abroad, but I will definitely try it, thank you very much indeed...
I want to make cocoa, please help…
How many glasses of water or sugar do these grams correspond to?
I tried it and it didn't work. I think adding water to sugar spoiled the white.
Do you have a cocoa recipe?
How can I measure 80g of egg white without my kitchen scale. Could you please help me?
2 egg whites are enough
i want to ask you something ivory couverture chocolate
What's happening?
White chocolate
I was very enthusiastic about making macarons, but it required a lot of effort and attention… :))
Does the egg white have to be whipped only with a mixer to reach a consistency that can be cut with a spoon, does it give the same result when whisked by hand?
you are so tired
walla, when I get the rice, I fly into the air. It's not like doing something like this. beyond imagination :(
=)) hahaha, exactly =) me, to keep the consistency of things?!?
I tried my first macaroon over the weekend. The first tray is considered successful, but I wanted to make the second tray with cocoa. Let me try new ones. I just realized that your macarons are so beautiful in color and it is important to get tips from a master :) Best regards…