What are the tricks of making delicious stuffed meat? how to do There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk stuffed minced meat, stuffed stuff, stuffed meat, delicious stuffing, tricks, Video Recipes

What are the tricks of making delicious stuffed meat?

Release Date: 07-10-2010
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What are the tricks of making delicious stuffed meat?

Your minced meat should be stuffed mince (medium fat). Vegetables should be without bruises. Vegetables should be equal in length and width. Pay attention to the spice sizes.

You can watch the video for details.

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"What are the tricks of making delicious stuffed meat?One comment on

  • Oct. 11, 2010 at 17:44 PM

    Before adding the stuffing water, I recommend that you chop some onion finely on the stuffed stuffing you have lined up, add a small amount of broth tablets and a small amount of red pepper paste and tomato paste into the water of the stuffing. Enjoy your meal.


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