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Spoon Pouring with Labneh

Release Date: 13-09-2018
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Hello Dear Friends,

full before Wheat Flour Spoon Pouring I shared the recipe with you. This recipe has been tried many times and is very popular. There wasn't much in the fridge as I hadn't been home for a long time. While I was thinking about what to do with the things in the cupboard, this very practical and light recipe came out :)

20 DK

I think those who try it will like the puffy puff texture of its inner texture. The visual difference in the two photos is due to the pan temperature and the oil ratio in the pan. Especially the same dough in the first photo, a little more oil and spoonfuls cooked in a warm pan. The second photo is almost oil-free and cooked in a hot pan.

When you try my recipe, don't forget to share it with me on Instagram :) I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @ Mutfaksirlari


Ingredients for the Spoon Dumpling Recipe with Labneh

  • 1 teaspoon labneh
  • 1 tea glass of milk
  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 water glass flour
  • 1 tiny pinch of salt
  • a little olive oil to grease the pan


  1. Take the egg into the whisking bowl, add the labneh and whisk.
  2. Whisk together the milk, flour, baking powder and salt.
  3. Oil the pan and, if necessary, remove excess oil with a napkin.
  4. Take the dough with the help of a tablespoon and put it in the hot pan. Spread lightly with the back of the spoon (straighten without thinning)
  5. When one side is browned, turn the other side and when it rises and becomes red, transfer it to the serving plate.
  6. Serve warm or cold when all the dough is cooked.

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"Spoon Pouring with Labneh2 comments for ”

  • Sept. 13, 2018 at 15:13 pm

    Hello, first of all, thanks. Can filtering be used instead of labneh?

    • Sept. 17, 2018 at 18:10 pm

      Hello, it's enough to melt inside. You can use any spreadable cheese you want.


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"Spoon Pouring with Labneh2 comments for ”

  • Sept. 13, 2018 at 15:13 pm

    Hello, first of all, thanks. Can filtering be used instead of labneh?

    • Sept. 17, 2018 at 18:10 pm

      Hello, it's enough to melt inside. You can use any spreadable cheese you want.


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