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Atom with Roasted Eggplant

Release Date: 30-12-2023
4 5 5 1

We are leaving behind another year, with all its bitterness and sweetness. Maybe we are tired, maybe we are a little worn out, but the new year means new hopes. 

yoghurt and payplant appetizer

We have days to live and stories to tell. My biggest wish is that it will be a year in which we will continue to grow with health, peace, and our loved ones without decreasing❤️

Enjoy sharing!❤️

Those who want to try the Sadematom recipe can access the link here. Click for Atom Appetizer Recipe.

For those who say they want to make a salad from roasted eggplants, here is the link. Click for Roasted Eggplant Salad Recipe.


Ingredients for Atom Recipe with Roasted Eggplant

  • 250 g strained yogurt
  • 1 large clove of garlic (2 cloves if small)
  • Salt
  • 2 medium eggplants
  • 6-7 dried cayenne peppers
  • Half a tea glass of walnuts
  • Half tea glass of olive oil
  • 1 cups of boiling water

How To?

  1. Roast the eggplants, cover them with plastic wrap for easy peeling, and let them cool. 
  2. While the eggplants are cooling down, add boiling water to the peppers and let them soften.
  3. Take the mixing yoghurt, add the garlic and salt and mix.
  4. Peel the parsley, chop it with a knife and add it to the yoghurt and mix.
  5. Remove the softened peppers from the water, dry and chop.
  6. Add olive oil to the pan and fry the peppers and walnuts.
  7. Serve by pouring the hot oil you have prepared over strained yoghurt with garlic and eggplant.

#appetizer #appetizerrecipe #kitchensırları #atom 

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