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Cork Sweating

Release Date: 10-07-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The first recipe of the week is so sour that will blow the minds of those who love sour :) I prepared last week 1 year ago. Koruk Juice – Koruk Sherbet I shared my recipe again on social networks. both instagram as well as on my facebook page Some of my followers talked about a recipe that I've never heard of before. It's called assi sweating, Koruk Sweating. I decided to try this interesting and practical recipe with groves (raw grapes) that I collected from the garden.

summer recipes

The result, as I said at the beginning, will make sour lovers very happy. It leaves a wonderful taste on sour, salty and bitter roofs.

But let me tell you, it makes solid arm muscles :)

By the way, there are versions with garlic, dried mint and sumac. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to try new flavors.


Ingredients for Corn Sweat Recipe

  • 1 cup of unstemmed vermicelli (rainless grapes)
  • salt
  • Red pepper

How to make Koruk Sweating Recipe?

  1. Place the washed, drained and de-stemmed groves in a jar or a well-closed container.
  2. Add salt and red pepper flakes according to your taste and close the lid of the jar.
  3. Shake in the jar for 5-6 minutes until the groves change color and release their juices slightly.
  4. Serve the groves, which release their juices and are covered with spices.

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