How to make Koruk Juice and Koruk Sherbet? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 25 minutes, raw grapes, verjuice, verjuice sour, verjube benefits, what is verjube, verjuice sherbet, verjuice juice, how to make verjuice juice, verjuice recipes, verjube perspiration, Drinks

Koruk Juice and Koruk Sherbet

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Hello Dear Friends,

Kork sherbet is a recipe that suits the summer heat, especially Ramadan. Firstly what is cork? Let's learn about it first.

Bellows: The name given to unripe raw and sour grapes. At the moment, the grapes are preserved in the gardens in the vineyards, so it's time to prepare this recipe :)

There are many methods of extracting the canned juice, since there was no food processor or juicer, etc. in the old days, they were crushed in a mortar and then filtered. Afterwards, the pulling and filtering method started in the robot. I think the most practical and least tedious way is to squeeze the juice quickly in a juicer.

crotch sweat

Thus, we can make maximum use of both the shell and the kernels.

Koruk juice is not only used for making sherbet. It is also used to add sourness to dishes such as stuffing, okra or salad. I poured the sedimented part, about 1 cup of sediment, into the ice mold. In this way, I will use it in cubed dishes later.


Now, let's talk about verjuice sherbet, I call it sherbet, but I didn't boil it in order not to lose the flavor of the fresh verjuice juice. Instead, I mixed freshly squeezed juice with sugar and water. Those who do not want to use sugar can use honey as an alternative.

Also from a follower crotch sweatI learned today :) Sweating: It is made by putting the cork in a lidded container or jar, adding salt on top and shaking the container for 5 minutes. The oppressed groves release their water and mix with salt and become sour and salty snacks :)

what is grove

One last note from me :) Don't forget to use gloves while squeezing the pulp of the verjuice, otherwise it will be like dozens of bees have stung your hands.


For Pure Corn Juice & Corn Sour:

Ingredients for Koruk Juice and Koruk Sherbet Recipe

• 1 kg of blueberries (approximately 400-450 ml of water is obtained)

How to Make Koruk Juice and Koruk Sherbet Recipe?

1. Put the chives in a bowl of water and leave them in the water for about 10 minutes. Wash the groves you took from the water in 1-2 waters and separate the grains from the stems.
2. Squeeze the separated grains in a juicer, put the remaining pulp in a cheesecloth or bonnet and squeeze it with your hand.
3. Leave the verjuice water that you have filtered 2 times to rest and wait for the sediment to settle.
4. Use the filtered part to make sherbet. Freeze the sedimented part for use in meals.

For the Koruk sherbet:

• 1 glass of verjuice juice
• 3,5-4 glasses of water
• 1 tea glass of granulated sugar

How to Make Koruk Juice and Koruk Sherbet Recipe?

1. Mix water and granulated sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolves.
2. Add the strained verjuice and mix it again and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
3. Serve the cooled verjuice with plenty of ice.

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"Koruk Juice and Koruk SherbetOne comment on

  • Oct. 07, 2018 at 13:51 PM

    I can consume verjuice without using any substance for at least 5 years without spoiling.
    Note I only use one percent pack of tomato powder, also called acid.


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