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How to make a Kitchen Secrets Cookbook? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk iclal aydın book club, kitchen secrets, kitchen secrets press release, kitchen secrets book summary, kitchen secrets cookbook, nilay tulum, From me personally

Kitchen Secrets Cookbook

Release Date: 31-12-2020
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Hello Dear Friends,

If they said that the last post of 2020 will be the best fruit of my 14-year blog journey, I wouldn't believe it! Yes, 3 years ago, we met with dear İclal Aydın on a summer day and promised each other this book.

We prepared this book by putting great effort into my intervening pregnancy, my birth, then the pandemic process and various actions.

iclal aydın book club

I have an incredible excitement inside me, only my wife was with me on this journey that we started from scratch without any financial and moral support. I now have a Kitchen Secrets book with my daughter.

Thank you so much for always supporting me on this journey. He is on his way to meet you very soon. As soon as it goes on sale, I will announce it here as well. I hope you like my book.

I leave the press release here, maybe I have followers and writer friends who want to share :)


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İclal Aydın Book Club you this time Kitchen Secretsmeets with. In this book, Chef Nilay Tulum shares her recipes, tips, in other words, her secrets in the kitchen, based on her years of experience and passion for cooking. 

Pastries that bring us together at the tables, fresh flavors that you can prepare in the comfort of your home with the materials you trust, practical, filling snacks, salads, meals and colorful recipes that you can try for the first time with your family or when hosting guests. Kitchen Secretsis meeting in.

Back cover

I smile when I see the books that keep their place on the refrigerator, next to the plates and glasses in the kitchens. Because that's where cookbooks have their place. I think that if it is hidden in the library, it cannot fulfill its function. I hope that Nilay's book will be one of those that keeps its place in the kitchen. You will see eye to eye often.

Another baby of our club is entrusted to you. I wish you a happy table, healing of wounds, celebration of joy. Take it easy now and enjoy.

Iclal Aydin

In the fourteenth year of my journey that I embarked on by saying, “The kitchen is a completely different place for me”, whatever bitter, sweet and bitter inside me, sometimes passed into the food in the pot I boiled and sometimes into the dough I kneaded. From a photo I took or a recipe I wrote...

The kitchen is the nook and cranny where I escape from the hustle and bustle of the world, the only place where I relieve my stress, and is the only tool that allows me to be a guest at your tables.

Now I'm coming to your house never to leave. I bring with me the recipes that your neighbor gave you incompletely and that your mother casually told you.

all of us Kitchen Secrets there is one way or another, these are mine too...

Nilay Overalls

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"Kitchen Secrets Cookbook3 comments for ”

  • On January 07, 2021 at 12:27 am

    As someone who has tried many of your recipes and trusts your recipes, good luck in advance, Ms. Nilay, lots of prints :)

  • On January 04, 2021 at 15:53 am

    First of all, I am eagerly waiting for your book, best of luck to you.
    I've been making your recipes for a long time with confidence, I never said it didn't happen, thank you for your hands and work.

  • On January 04, 2021 at 10:31 am

    Good luck my dear..
    You deserve the best jobs..

    Thank God. :)
    A lot of hearts, kisses.


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"Kitchen Secrets Cookbook3 comments for ”

  • On January 07, 2021 at 12:27 am

    As someone who has tried many of your recipes and trusts your recipes, good luck in advance, Ms. Nilay, lots of prints :)

  • On January 04, 2021 at 15:53 am

    First of all, I am eagerly waiting for your book, best of luck to you.
    I've been making your recipes for a long time with confidence, I never said it didn't happen, thank you for your hands and work.

  • On January 04, 2021 at 10:31 am

    Good luck my dear..
    You deserve the best jobs..

    Thank God. :)
    A lot of hearts, kisses.


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Nilay Overalls