Kitchen Secrets 8 Years Old!
Hello Dear Friends,
The years go by so quickly I can't believe it... I start the birthday entrance with a similar speech almost every year, I'm aware, but it amazes me that a whole year, even eight years, has passed.

previous My 4th birthday celebration I explained how I got on this road and how I started blogging. After this article, my writing and my actions have been a source of inspiration for many women who were unhappy with their jobs, as I once was. There were those who quit their job and went to culinary school and made cooking a profession, as well as those who stayed stronger and started school without quitting their job.
In addition, new bloggers were born, who gained a new environment just by blogging and helped many women. While some continue to write their kitchen secrets on the blog service and share their recipes with millions of people, others have flown from the nest and set up new blogs for themselves. I am proud of all of them.
The scholarship that I applied for 4 years ago was accepted through my blog, I didn't get a half-scholarship, but I went crazy and took a loan and invested all the money in education when I had no money to pay for the course.
Afterwards, I learned to use all the annoying, demoralizing or stress-inducing events as a driving force to work harder like a Capricorn. The best medicine I found was to work, work and work again. As a result of this, I continued my second education, Pastry and Bakery, with a scholarship.
Of course, this job was not just about going to school. Because life has to go on… I also continued to work as a content producer or consultant on projects offline & online with many brands.
When I look back now, I say that I am glad that I have come under these burdens and difficulties. I know that I will never be a person who I am, I will continue to learn and share with you as much as I can.
I hope your love and support will always be with me.
Big Love…
Note: This is the pancake dough that I wrote the article for. You can prepare it according to my recipe.
Congratulations, you have a very successful site.