Kitchen Secrets 1 Year Old
I have loved to share my whole life. Above all, we share the same world and live the lives we have built in it. We grow and progress as we share our knowledge, experience, learning and teaching. In the light of this thought, "Kitchen Secrets" said "Hello" to the world last year today. Everyone has tricks and secrets of the kitchen that they produce, learned from their surroundings or heard from their mother or grandmother, in order to make the dishes they cook in their kitchen better.

It is my desire to keep the dishes, desserts and small but effective tricks that I have prepared in my kitchen, with effort and effort, from being a secret and to share with you through this door that opens to the whole world, this site is created. Even if it seems like yesterday, when I look back, I see that we have come a long way. Every time I look at the photo of my recipe, I think of myself in the kitchen that day. The head is covered with flour, the hands are filled with dough, and the whole counter is full of pots, pans, and pots :) What was shaped by getting out of all this mess, just an hour ago, consisted of flour and eggs, now it takes on colorful and various shapes and says "eat me" to you. Even the smile on your face while watching your meals is worth all the tiredness. :)
In the first days, it was visited in a number not exceeding the finger of one hand. We have multiplied day by day and now it has become a site where thousands of our friends visit, become members and share their own information. I tried my best to share a new recipe with you every day. After saying a couple of times, now I see more than 30 published recipes under 500 categories and 750 comments from you. As you expressed your criticisms and likes, I tried for the better. I learned a lot from you. I am happy if you have learned something from my recipes that I have tried and made. Even not writing a comment, staying silent and feeling your presence in my viewers makes me happy.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the broadcast and production...
Sharing is life...
Hello, I congratulate you sir. I like your work very much, I want to do it and be productive and contribute to my family budget, can you help me* THANKS
surprise! You thought I couldn't write, but I'm writing a comment. Happy 1st year and wish you continued success. Love Mom.
I haven't been around for a long time, neither for a recipe nor for a comment. Even though we didn't meet Nilay hn face to face, it's hard not to be amazed by her determination and skill in this beautiful site she created among all the work. Congratulations. I wish you many more years. With love
happy new year :))
I hope you have many more years of good sharing.
Happy new year, will there be a Beyoğlu? you will treat me :))))
I hope you have many more years.
your site is great, your recipes are great. thank you.
My dears, thank you to each and every one of you. Believe me, I would not have been able to work with such determination and happiness without your love, interest and support. Every line and every positive comment I share with you makes me the happiest person in the world. Good luck to you. I love you very much..
I congratulate you once again my friend, we have completed a whole 1 year, I wish you a healthy life because you have devoted yourself to the site and experienced health problems, but I say a huge thank you to you and your site, I appreciate your determination and I love you very much, nicee niicee happy you
It's a site that I always follow with pleasure. health to your hands. I wish to read the secrets of the kitchen for many more years.
I congratulate you my dear friend. I am very proud of the point you have reached in 1 year and the success you have achieved. I sincerely appreciate you and wish you all the beauty you deserve.
Happy first year, let's say happy new year with nice recipes.
The site, which is growing day by day, has now become a food site where we can easily find all kinds of recipes. I think she has come a long way in the year that has passed from the first day to this day and has improved incredibly. My dear Nilay, I can say with all sincerity that you continued to write tirelessly in the midst of your workload. Therefore, I appreciate you and wish you many more years to Kitchen Secrets…
Nilaycim, what is the beauty of that figure? :) It's perfect, congratulations with the one in the header, really :)
Happy new year to this beautiful site where secrets are shared with beauty with its design, explanation and sincerity...
wayyy be it 1 year? The first thing I do every day is to enter this site. If I can't enter for two days, I wonder what's new :) I hope you will always be here, how can I cook without yoummmmmmmmmm :)
I made great recipes from this site and gave them to my friends. I have a lot of work. how quickly time passes. I am your constant follower. I'll be here when you're 5 years old. Happy new year kitchen secrets
I always follow your site. The sincerity in its visuality and the saturation in its content are perfect. I have been following it every day since the first day I entered. I'm telling everyone. An excellent site. Hopefully, it will continue to grow over the years.