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Kitchen Gadgets: Kitchen Timer

Release Date: 28-02-2011
4 5 5 1

In all meals, it is absolutely necessary to comply with the cooking time in order to prepare the food in consistency.

A kitchen timer can be a life saver for all oven dishes, especially pasta and eggs, if your oven doesn't have a clock.

kitchen supplies for novices

The timer can sometimes be on the scales, sometimes electronic, and sometimes mechanical like my timer. You can set the timers up to 60 minutes, when the time is up, the bell will alert you.

My timer was a gift from the pans I bought. When I searched the internet, I saw kitchen timers starting from 4 liras and going up to 70 liras.

I liked this owl kitchen timer in Ant and took a photo of it.
If your house breaks down, maybe I can get it :)

For those who will use a timer, I wrote the cooking times of pasta and eggs for you.


Boiled egg: 4 minutes
Apricot Eggs: 6 minutes
Hard Egg: 10 minutes
Aldante Pasta: 7 minutes
Well Cooked Pasta: 10 minutes

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"Kitchen Gadgets: Kitchen TimerOne comment on

  • March 01, 2011 at 08:13

    It would not be a lie if I say that I am the biggest helper in the kitchen. When people are forgetful like me, they may need to set a timer even while making tea. I have a simple model that I bought from ikea and one in the form of a cook. I bought one for 3,5 liras and the other for 5 liras.


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"Kitchen Gadgets: Kitchen TimerOne comment on

  • March 01, 2011 at 08:13

    It would not be a lie if I say that I am the biggest helper in the kitchen. When people are forgetful like me, they may need to set a timer even while making tea. I have a simple model that I bought from ikea and one in the form of a cook. I bought one for 3,5 liras and the other for 5 liras.


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