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Kitchen Appliances: How to make a Bread Maker? There are also 13 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk dough in a bread machine, making bread in a bread machine, cake in a bread machine, compote in a bread machine, jam in a bread machine, bread machine features, bread at home, making bread at home, which bread machine, tefal, Breads

Kitchen Gadgets: Bread Maker

Release Date: 01-03-2011
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For a long time, I wanted to prepare an article that would answer questions about my bread machine. When I realized that I had neglected the Culinary School section, I decided to write to tell you about a kitchen appliance that I love to use every day and to clear up any question marks in your mind.

Our first kitchen gadget for today Bread MachineA unique device for those who want to make bread at home.

dough in ehmek machine

I think I have been using a bread maker for 3 years, it is incredibly enjoyable when the machine mixes, ferment and bakes the combinations I have created, and finally the bread of your dreams comes out. It has become even more enjoyable with the flour mixtures sold in the markets nowadays.

First of all, let me start by writing which brand of bread maker I use. I am using Tefal OW3001 Bread Maker.

Bread machines now contain many features. You can use the machine you bought not only for making bread, but also for preparing compote, jam, cake or bun.

It is also nice that it can only be used to leaven dough or prepare pizza dough.

If you are going to make a standard bread in the bread machine, you need to choose a program of at least 3 hours. There is a program like make quick bread in the machine I use (it takes 1 hour and 20 minutes), but I have never used it.

When choosing a bread maker, I recommend that you pay attention to the width of its internal volume. There are 750 options in my bread machine, 1000 gr and 1 gr (2 kilo). Even if your bread consumption is low, I recommend you to buy a machine with a large chamber rather than a machine with a small chamber. Because you may want to take the bread you make as a gift or offer it to your guests.

If your machine has a timer feature, you can put the ingredients in advance and start cooking at the time you want., this means that your warm and fresh bread is on the table early in the morning or at dinner. Of course, you have to take into account that the kneading, fermentation and cooking time will take 3 hours.

You used a bread maker on a whim but failed on your first try. Your bread is raw or like concrete. The most important reason for this is that you do not comply with the measurements in the booklet given to you or the recipe you read.

If you are going to make bread in the bread machine, you should follow the recipes gram by gram. Otherwise, every attempt will result in frustration.

How to make perfect bread in the bread machine?

  1. Of course, first of all, by acquiring a kitchen scale, if you have started the way of making bread at home, you do not want to use ready-made flour mixtures, if you want to create your own recipe, a scale is a must. In addition, you are given ml and spoon measuring cups next to the bread machine (you must follow the ml or spoon measurements).
  2. Another important point is to put all the ingredients in the bread machine in order. Here is the sequence:
  3. Aqueous materials: Water, milk, olive oil, etc.
  4. Dry ingredients: Flour, yeast, salt, sugar
  5. Dry ingredients you want to add to the bread at the end of fermentation
  6. All ingredients must be at room temperature. If you are going to use water and milk, the egg must be at room temperature.

You can find the recipes I prepared in the Bread Maker here.

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"Kitchen Gadgets: Bread Maker13 comments for ”

  • Oct. 11, 2018 at 12:35 PM

    hello, I have been using the moulineks bread machine for a long time. but for 3 times the bread remains doughy, the bottom and the edges are browned, but the inside remains raw, I wonder if there is a malfunction.

    • Oct. 12, 2018 at 13:05 PM

      Hello, if you do not make any changes in the mixture of the bread, if this happens, I say call the service. love.

  • On December 11, 2014 at 00:44

    Hello, I wanted to make bread with gluten-free flour in this machine, but it did not work, it was dough, it was not cooked at all. I chose 120 gr for 750 minutes. I used the recipe on the Sinangil gluten-free flour package.

  • On April 21, 2013 at 21:44 PM

    Is the reservoir of this machine Teflon?

  • On January 14, 2013 at 14:48 am

    It answered most of my questions about bread making, thank you very much. I think I will buy such a device.

  • On December 26, 2012 at 01:44

    hello, I have the same machine, but I did not have the chance to eat bread from it. I lost its booklet. I would be very happy if you could send me an e-mail in what dimensions you use in this machine.

  • March 19, 2012 at 00:13

    I enjoy reading Kitchen Secrets and I want to start a blog too. But every time I am asked to try again. What is the problem? slmrs.

    • March 19, 2012 at 00:19

      Hello, Ms. Mehtap, the username may have been taken before. Remember, you should not use Turkish characters while recording. love.

  • on August 24, 2011 at 21:54

    I bought one after reading this amazing article.. I can't wait to try it tomorrow.. you said it's making it in jam, right?

  • March 16, 2011 at 06:38

    Hello again Nilay
    My machine is the same as yours OW3001, I tried the cake recipe you gave before, but it turned out to be a very wet cake, which cake program you mentioned in the recipe?

  • March 07, 2011 at 13:32

    Hello Mrs. Nilay
    My bread machine is Tefal, I can also make very delicious breads, but this machine I bought thinking it also has cake making feature does not make cakes, only yeast buns can be prepared, I have seen it by trying it myself, because the mixture you prepared for the cake should not be kept waiting, but the mixing + baking program in this bread machine no, there is a mixing+fermentation+baking program, the cakes I tried unfortunately ended in disappointment.


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"Kitchen Gadgets: Bread Maker13 comments for ”

  • Oct. 11, 2018 at 12:35 PM

    hello, I have been using the moulineks bread machine for a long time. but for 3 times the bread remains doughy, the bottom and the edges are browned, but the inside remains raw, I wonder if there is a malfunction.

    • Oct. 12, 2018 at 13:05 PM

      Hello, if you do not make any changes in the mixture of the bread, if this happens, I say call the service. love.

  • On December 11, 2014 at 00:44

    Hello, I wanted to make bread with gluten-free flour in this machine, but it did not work, it was dough, it was not cooked at all. I chose 120 gr for 750 minutes. I used the recipe on the Sinangil gluten-free flour package.

  • On April 21, 2013 at 21:44 PM

    Is the reservoir of this machine Teflon?

  • On January 14, 2013 at 14:48 am

    It answered most of my questions about bread making, thank you very much. I think I will buy such a device.

  • On December 26, 2012 at 01:44

    hello, I have the same machine, but I did not have the chance to eat bread from it. I lost its booklet. I would be very happy if you could send me an e-mail in what dimensions you use in this machine.

  • March 19, 2012 at 00:13

    I enjoy reading Kitchen Secrets and I want to start a blog too. But every time I am asked to try again. What is the problem? slmrs.

    • March 19, 2012 at 00:19

      Hello, Ms. Mehtap, the username may have been taken before. Remember, you should not use Turkish characters while recording. love.

  • on August 24, 2011 at 21:54

    I bought one after reading this amazing article.. I can't wait to try it tomorrow.. you said it's making it in jam, right?

  • March 16, 2011 at 06:38

    Hello again Nilay
    My machine is the same as yours OW3001, I tried the cake recipe you gave before, but it turned out to be a very wet cake, which cake program you mentioned in the recipe?

  • March 07, 2011 at 13:32

    Hello Mrs. Nilay
    My bread machine is Tefal, I can also make very delicious breads, but this machine I bought thinking it also has cake making feature does not make cakes, only yeast buns can be prepared, I have seen it by trying it myself, because the mixture you prepared for the cake should not be kept waiting, but the mixing + baking program in this bread machine no, there is a mixing+fermentation+baking program, the cakes I tried unfortunately ended in disappointment.


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